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calls_effects [2022/02/10 14:44]
calls_effects [2022/07/11 15:46]
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 This is a basic reference for what all the calls below mean. The entries below this section go into more detail and list some examples and exceptions or other weirdness, so look there for more information. This is a basic reference for what all the calls below mean. The entries below this section go into more detail and list some examples and exceptions or other weirdness, so look there for more information.
-**In development**+  ​DETECT (X): If you are X or have X, say “Yes” loudly. 
 +  ​DISARM: Drop the thing in your hand if this hits it or your arm. 
 +  ​DISRUPT: Your Energy Field loses all its hits. 
 +  ​FREEZE (Time): Freeze in place for (Time) 
 +  * IMBUE (X) (Time): You must roleplay emotion X for (Time) 
 +  * KNOCKOUT (Time): Fall unconscious for (Time) 
 +  * LETHAL: If this call hits your Body Hits, start slowly counting up to your Death Count. Anyone can call LETHAL on an incapacitated target next to them. 
 +  * MESMERIZE: You must look at the source of the call and not do anything else unless you are hit, searched or interacted with, or the source turns or moves away. 
 +  * REND: If this hits a Location with Armour, the armour goes to 0 hits on that Location. Ignores Energy Fields. 
 +  * REPEL: Move directly away from the source for 10 seconds, even if you parried or blocked with a shield. 
 +  * RESIST: They were immune to what you did. 
 +  * STRIKE: Lose an extra hit wherever you were struck. 
 +  * STRIKEDOWN: Fall over or take a knee for 10 seconds, even if you parried or blocked with a shield. 
 +  * SUNDER: The thing hit with the call is now damaged and needs to be fixed by an Engineer until its repaired. 
 +  * THROUGH: Take a hit that ignores Armour and Energy Fields. 
 +==== DETECT (X) ==== 
 +  * **Targets:​** Characters, as well as some items or objects that have an accompanying Referee. 
 +  * If you are targeted with this call, and are X or have X, say “Yes” loudly. 
 +  * If you are not X, then do not respond or react. 
 +The DETECT call represents ways of actively identifying certain properties of objects or characters - specific scans, strange detection equipment, etc. Detect will always be accompanied by a term or word after it - referred to here as "​X"​. This will usually be a keyword or specific descriptor like "​Terran",​ "​Mammalian",​ "Toxic Condition",​ "​Artefact"​ or "​Energy Field"​. If your character is described by the descriptor part, or if you are carrying something that fits the descriptor, then you must say "​Yes"​ loud enough to be heard by the call's originator.
 ==== DISARM ==== ==== DISARM ====
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 Certain species and characters with sensitive cybernetic implants are susceptible to the energy unleashed by DISRUPT, and may suffer adverse effects unless the DISRUPT is absorbed by a protective Energy Field. If this is the case, then the target character may react in an odd way to your DISRUPT call. Certain species and characters with sensitive cybernetic implants are susceptible to the energy unleashed by DISRUPT, and may suffer adverse effects unless the DISRUPT is absorbed by a protective Energy Field. If this is the case, then the target character may react in an odd way to your DISRUPT call.
-==== EFFECT (X) ==== 
-  * **Targets:​** Any character 
-  * This call is used to deliver simple roleplay effects. See the section on Roleplay Effects below for more details. 
-  * The EFFECT call will be followed a short description of the roleplay effect. 
-  * This call and associated instructions are not IC sounds. You cannot perceive an EFFECT call In-Character. 
-  * This call may be followed by a duration in seconds. If not, the default duration is 60 seconds. 
-  * As this call does not always have an obvious physical response, you must assume that has landed. 
-The EFFECT call is used to deliver simple roleplay effects, and is one of the key tools used by telepathic psions to manipulate people. Characters will call EFFECT, followed by a quick description of how the target should react - for example; "Fear Me"; "we are friends";​ "You dislike Colonel Miles";​ "Feel anger"​. Characters who are affected should adjust their roleplay accordingly. This call represents hidden factors and powers that influence behaviours - you cannot perceive the EFFECT call and associated instructions as In-Character speech. This call can be accompanied by a duration in seconds. Like all roleplay effects, if a time is not specified, the effect lasts for 1 minute after delivery. 
 ==== FREEZE (DURATION) ==== ==== FREEZE (DURATION) ====
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 The FREEZE call represents energy or toxic substances that cause instant but brief paralysis. You must completely stop moving for the duration of the effect and cannot take any actions - you should count slowly up to the duration. You can still see, hear and perceive what is happening around you, but cannot move anything apart from your eyes. Some characters may have skills and abilities that may reduce the duration of the FREEZE effect. If this reduces the time down to 0, then you should call NO EFFECT. The FREEZE call represents energy or toxic substances that cause instant but brief paralysis. You must completely stop moving for the duration of the effect and cannot take any actions - you should count slowly up to the duration. You can still see, hear and perceive what is happening around you, but cannot move anything apart from your eyes. Some characters may have skills and abilities that may reduce the duration of the FREEZE effect. If this reduces the time down to 0, then you should call NO EFFECT.
 +==== IMBUE (X) ====
 +  * **Targets:​** Any character
 +  * This call is used to deliver simple roleplay effects. See the section on Roleplay Effects below for more details.
 +  * The EFFECT call will be followed a short description of the roleplay effect.
 +  * This call and associated instructions are not IC sounds. You cannot perceive an IMBUE call In-Character.
 +  * This call may be followed by a duration in seconds. If not, the default duration is 60 seconds.
 +  * As this call does not always have an obvious physical response, you must assume that has landed.
 +The IMBUE call is used to deliver simple roleplay effects, and is one of the key tools used by telepathic psions to manipulate people. Characters will call IMBUE, followed by a quick description of how the target should react - for example; "Fear Me"; "we are friends";​ "You dislike Colonel Miles";​ "Feel anger"​. Characters who are affected should adjust their roleplay accordingly. This call represents hidden factors and powers that influence behaviours - you cannot perceive the IMBUE call and associated instructions as In-Character speech. This call can be accompanied by a duration in seconds. Like all roleplay effects, if a time is not specified, the effect lasts for 1 minute after delivery.
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 If the source of the MESMERIZE call is something other than a character - for example a Ref or lammie on an item you examine, then the call is not broken by the source turning completely away from you, only by distance or by being struck or contacted. A Referee making a MESMERIZE call may specify something else in the environment as the source of the call - eg "You are MESMERIZED to this tree/​glowing ball/​artefact"​. If the source of the MESMERIZE call is something other than a character - for example a Ref or lammie on an item you examine, then the call is not broken by the source turning completely away from you, only by distance or by being struck or contacted. A Referee making a MESMERIZE call may specify something else in the environment as the source of the call - eg "You are MESMERIZED to this tree/​glowing ball/​artefact"​.
-==== NO EFFECT ==== 
-  * **Targets:​** No target, this is a response call. 
-  * NO EFFECT indicates that the target of your ability was aware, but unaffected by it. 
-NO EFFECT is called when a target of a power or call is passively unaffected by it - either due to it not striking the right location, or by a defensive ability they possess. NO EFFECT is different to RESIST in that RESIST is an active ability that requires expenditure of resources in some way. NO EFFECT is the call that you use to indicate, for example, that an incoming DISRUPT shot has hit you while you are not using an Energy Field, or that DISARM hit you in the leg or similar. 
 ==== REND ==== ==== REND ====
   * **Targets:​** Armour Hits   * **Targets:​** Armour Hits
   * If a REND call strikes an armoured location, all remaining Armour Hits on that location are lost.   * If a REND call strikes an armoured location, all remaining Armour Hits on that location are lost.
-REND does not affect ​character protected by any Field Hits.+  * An attack with REND call ignores ​any Field Hits that the target has - the Field hits are not lost, they just do not prevent the attack'​s damage.
-REND represents powerful damage that shreds protective materials - energy harmonised to disintegrate metal, clouds of dissembler nanites, etc. If this call strikes a location with Armour Hits remaining, then all remaining Armour Hits on that location are lost. If the REND attack strikes an armoured character with one or more Field Hits to absorb it, then they should call NO EFFECT. Similarly, if REND strikes an unarmour ​location, or a location where all the Armour Hits have already been lost, you should call NO EFFECT.+REND represents powerful damage that shreds protective materials - energy harmonised to disintegrate metal, clouds of dissembler nanites, etc. If this call strikes a location with Armour Hits remaining, then all remaining Armour Hits on that location are lost. If the REND attack strikes an armoured character with one or more Field Hits, then the Field Hits are ignored for that single attack. Similarly, if REND strikes an unarmoured ​location, or a location where all the Armour Hits have already been lost, you should call RESIST.
 ==== REPEL ==== ==== REPEL ====
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   * RESIST indicates that the target of your ability has actively resisted it.   * RESIST indicates that the target of your ability has actively resisted it.
-RESIST is called when a target of a power or call is actively ​unaffected by it thanks to a defensive ability they possess. RESIST is different to NO EFFECT in that RESIST requires active resistance. Certain skills, abilities and equipment will allow you to resist certain specific calls even when they would otherwise affect you. You must roleplay bracing against the attack and call RESIST (you may also need to tear charges or similar - which you must do at the first available opportunity).+RESIST is called when a target of a power or call is unaffected by it thanks to a defensive ability they possess. Certain skills, abilities and equipment will allow you to resist certain specific calls even when they would otherwise affect you. You must roleplay bracing against the attack and call RESIST (you may also need to tear charges or similar - which you must do at the first available opportunity).
 ==== STRIKE ==== ==== STRIKE ====
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 ==== THROUGH ==== ==== THROUGH ====
-  * **Targets:​** Armour Hits. +  * **Targets:​** Armour ​Hits, Field Hits. 
-  * If an armoured location is struck by the THROUGH call, then the damage ignores any remaining Armour Hits.+  * If an armoured location is struck by the THROUGH call, then the damage ignores any remaining Armour ​Hits or Field Hits.
   * If the THROUGH call is delivered verbally, then treat it as if it is accompanied by an attack.   * If the THROUGH call is delivered verbally, then treat it as if it is accompanied by an attack.
-The THROUGH call represents attacks that can penetrate physical armour and damage the body beneath - this might be extremely hard projectile tips that punch through armour, or energy that phases right through it, leaving it untouched. If you are stuck by a THROUGH attack on a location that has one or more Armour Hits remaining, then instead of losing an Armour Hit, you lose a Body Hit on that location instead. If this call is delivered purely verbally, then it is treated as being accompanied by an attack, so that it does 1 damage. Field Hits block the THROUGH call - if you have Field Hits remaining, then you just lose 1 Field hit.+The THROUGH call represents attacks that can penetrate physical armour ​as well as energy fields ​and damage the body beneath - this might be extremely hard projectile tips that punch through armour, or energy that phases right through it, leaving it untouched. If you are stuck by a THROUGH attack on a location that has one or more Armour ​or Field Hits remaining, then instead of losing an Armour ​or Field Hit, you lose a Body Hit on that location instead. If this call is delivered purely verbally, then it is treated as being accompanied by an attack, so that it does 1 damage.
 ===== Out of Game Calls ===== ===== Out of Game Calls =====
calls_effects.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/01 14:27 by conan