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commonality_vassal_species [2018/06/24 20:01]
admin created
commonality_vassal_species [2018/06/26 16:33]
admin [Lithos]
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-===== Commonality Vassal Species =====+====== Commonality Vassal Species ​======
 Numerous vassal species look to the Commonality for guidance and protection. The Elysians see their role as shepherds and guides, slowly encouraging their flock towards enlightenment and understanding. The vassals of the Commonality can be found anywhere they operate, and often a prominent Judge or mystic will surround themselves with an entourage of disciples from other species. ​ Numerous vassal species look to the Commonality for guidance and protection. The Elysians see their role as shepherds and guides, slowly encouraging their flock towards enlightenment and understanding. The vassals of the Commonality can be found anywhere they operate, and often a prominent Judge or mystic will surround themselves with an entourage of disciples from other species. ​
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 It is possible to create your own vassal species - if you have a great idea for a species, then you can submit it to the game team for possible inclusion into the Orion Sphere universe. See the [[Vassal Species]] page for details and guidelines of the kind of things we are looking for in a new species. It is possible to create your own vassal species - if you have a great idea for a species, then you can submit it to the game team for possible inclusion into the Orion Sphere universe. See the [[Vassal Species]] page for details and guidelines of the kind of things we are looking for in a new species.
-==== Boreans ====+===== Boreans ​=====
 Respected by the Commonality for their plant-like nature, the Boreans are a race of humanoids with photosynthetic microbes embedded in their cells. The Boreans have been a part of the Commonality for a long time, and are originally from the Elysian cluster - specifically the [[system:​Ard'​Borea]] system in the [[sector:​Borean Sector]].  ​ Respected by the Commonality for their plant-like nature, the Boreans are a race of humanoids with photosynthetic microbes embedded in their cells. The Boreans have been a part of the Commonality for a long time, and are originally from the Elysian cluster - specifically the [[system:​Ard'​Borea]] system in the [[sector:​Borean Sector]].  ​
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 **Abilities:​** Boreans have 2 locational body hits. Although they are no tougher than a human, their physiology allows them to recover rapidly from injury. Boreans regenerate lost locational hits at a rate of 1 every ten minutes. Their thick, sap-like blood also increases their Death Count to 300 seconds. **Abilities:​** Boreans have 2 locational body hits. Although they are no tougher than a human, their physiology allows them to recover rapidly from injury. Boreans regenerate lost locational hits at a rate of 1 every ten minutes. Their thick, sap-like blood also increases their Death Count to 300 seconds.
-==== Reskan ====+===== Lithos ===== 
 +**Appearance:​** The appearance of the Lithos reflects their mineral physiology. Their flesh is rough, stony and grey, occasionally punctured by outgrowths of crystals. This can be physrepped using a stony or crystalline mask and/or prosthetics. All exposed skin should be a rock-like hue, possibly run through with veins of paler minerals – this effect can be achieved with makeup. Lithos tend to be bulky around the shoulder area, and this wider frame could be simulated by using padded costume or shoulder pads. 
 +More powerful Lithos psions begin to form psychoactive crystalline deposits on their skin, especially those that regularly consume psi crystals to heal themselves. These crystal growths should be physrepped with prosthetics painted with UV-reactive paint or makeup (as UV-reactive elements are the in-game signifier of psionic abilities). 
 +**Abilities:​** The stony bodies of the Lithos are extremely hardy and durable, giving them 4 Locational hits and a 300 second Death Count. Their silicate physiology makes them difficult to treat, however, and other characters cannot use the [[Professional Skills#​Physician]] skill on Lithos unless they also possess at least 1 rank of [[Professional Skills#​Corporeal Science]] (or are themselves Lithos).  
 +Lithos brains are composed of a lattice of solid-state memory storage crystals, interconnected with tiny micro-veins of condensed psionic energy – known by the Elysians in a larger form as Psi Crystals. These psychoactive conduits grant the Lithos a measure of psionic power that allows them to manipulate stone and rock in sympathy with their moods. Lithos character start with 1 [[psionics_skills#​psi_points|Psi Point]], and can buy powers from the [[Lithos Psionic Paths#​Lithokinesis]] Root Path and its Branch Paths. The psi crystal pathways also resonate strongly in the presence of external emotional energy – Lithos characters are more strongly affected by emotions delivered by the [[calls_effects#​EFFECT]] call. Emotions conveyed by the EFFECT call last for twice as long and are more intense in Lithos characters that in others. However, the lingering resonance of these emotional effects can be short-circuited by another incoming source of emotional energy – if a Lithos character is targeted by an EFFECT call, then any pre-existing EFFECT call that they are experiencing immediately ends. 
 +Lithos biochemistry is also completely different from most sophont species, which makes them immune to most illnesses, but also renders them unaffected by most treatments and biological substances as well. Lithos characters are immune to all **Disease** Conditions that do not specifically affect Mineral species. They are also immune to all [[Medicaments]] unless they have been doped with the [[Spectrum Inhibitor]] [[Exotic Reagents|Exotic Reagent]] – this reagent bonds to the active component of most Medicaments and allows them to interact with Lithos mineral-cell processes. A Medicament with Spectrum Inhibitor applied to it will have its normal effects on a Lithos character - disregard the effect of the Spectrum Inhibitor. The only exception to this is if a [[Conditions|Condition]] or similar has a cure that requires the administering of Medicaments doped with another specific Exotic Substance, in this case (because a Medicament can only be doped with a single Exotic Substance), the normal cure applies. 
 +===== Reskan ​=====
 [{{ :​image:​commonality:​reclining_reskan_e1.jpg?​200|A Reskan hive resting against a building}}]Hailing from the [[system:​Resk]] system in the [[sector:​California Nebula Sector]], the Reskan are hive minds of tiny insects that adopt humanoid forms. Not even recognised as sentient when they were discovered by the [[Ascendancy]],​ the Commonality regards them as an excellent example of their philosophy of interconnectedness - though they are individually small, together they form a Mind and Will on par with others. The Resk system was one of the main targets for Commonality control during the Elysian Revelation. [{{ :​image:​commonality:​reclining_reskan_e1.jpg?​200|A Reskan hive resting against a building}}]Hailing from the [[system:​Resk]] system in the [[sector:​California Nebula Sector]], the Reskan are hive minds of tiny insects that adopt humanoid forms. Not even recognised as sentient when they were discovered by the [[Ascendancy]],​ the Commonality regards them as an excellent example of their philosophy of interconnectedness - though they are individually small, together they form a Mind and Will on par with others. The Resk system was one of the main targets for Commonality control during the Elysian Revelation.
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 Environmental toxins can rapidly poison a Reskan hive – their many-bodied forms respire from everywhere, so the hive can quickly take on a lethal load of toxin. Reskan are unable to use respirators (but can still take advantage of full-body forms of environmental protection),​ and environmental toxins progress in a quarter of the time it takes in most species. Reskan are also unable to use most [[injectors]] without some kind of specialist delivery mechanism like an environmental suit. Environmental toxins can rapidly poison a Reskan hive – their many-bodied forms respire from everywhere, so the hive can quickly take on a lethal load of toxin. Reskan are unable to use respirators (but can still take advantage of full-body forms of environmental protection),​ and environmental toxins progress in a quarter of the time it takes in most species. Reskan are also unable to use most [[injectors]] without some kind of specialist delivery mechanism like an environmental suit.
-{{tag>​commonality faction vassal_species}}+{{tag>​commonality faction vassal_species ​species}}