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devotion_skills [2018/02/18 11:17]
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devotion_skills [2023/03/24 22:11]
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 ====== Devotion Skills ====== ====== Devotion Skills ======
-The Priests and Heroes of the Tulaki ​may purchase these skills to reflect their dedication to the Immortal Spirits and the [[Path of Tulak]]. +The Priests and Heroes of the Dominion ​may purchase these skills to reflect their dedication to the Immortal Spirits and the [[Path of Tulak]]. ​Only [[species:​Tulaki]] can purchase the Priestly Devotion ​skill, but any character ​in the Dominion ​can purchase Heroic ​Devotion ​as long as they have been Devoted first.
- +
-===== Heroic Devotion ===== +
- +
-  * Heroic Devotion costs 2 points per rank. +
-  * Starting characters cannot buy Heroic Devotion. +
-  * Heroic Devotion grants the favour of the Immortal Spirit that your character is devoted to. +
-  * You must be devoted to a specific ​[[Path of Tulak#​Immortal Spirits|Immortal Spirit]] by a Priest before purchasing ranks in this skill+
- +
-Heroic Devotion represents the favour and blessings of one of the Immortal Spirits, which manifests as miraculous abilities relevant to the purview of that Spirit. These will usually take the form of abilities that can be performed a number of times per day, but there is little consistency to this power. Devoting yourself to a Spirit is an in-character ceremony that can be performed by a Priest, and will be recorded on the game system. If you change or lose your Devotion ​your patron Spirit is likely to be angered.+
 ===== Priestly Devotion ===== ===== Priestly Devotion =====
-  * Priestly Devotion costs 2 points per rank.+  * {{ :​image:​dominion:​tulaki_priest_orb.jpg?​300|}}Priestly Devotion costs 2 points per rank.
   * Priestly Devotion grants the ability to perform one Ceremony per rank.   * Priestly Devotion grants the ability to perform one Ceremony per rank.
 +  * Only [[species:​Tulaki]] characters who are in the Dominion can purchase ranks of Priestly Devotion.
   * If a character has the Engineer skill as well as at least 1 rank of Priestly Devotion, they automatically learn the Talisman Mod.   * If a character has the Engineer skill as well as at least 1 rank of Priestly Devotion, they automatically learn the Talisman Mod.
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 === Devotion Ceremony === === Devotion Ceremony ===
-You may Devote another character to one of the Immortal Spirits that you know the name and title of. This draws that Spirit'​s attention to the character, and is the first step of a character becoming a Hero. The effects of this ceremony are lasting, but can be removed by another performance of the same Ceremony.+You may Devote another ​willing ​character to one of the Immortal Spirits that you know the name and title of. This draws that Spirit'​s attention to the character, and is the first step of a character becoming a Hero. The effects of this ceremony are lasting, but can be removed by another performance of the same Ceremony. You can also perform this Ceremony on a character who is already Devoted with the intent of temporarily reinforcing the connection between the character and the Spirit that they are devoted to. This has unpredictable results, but most commonly causes intense and vivid dreams relevant to the character'​s chosen path.
 === Exaltation Ceremony === === Exaltation Ceremony ===
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 === Rite of Dedication === === Rite of Dedication ===
-This ceremony creates a roleplaying effect on the target - "You feel driven to accomplish your goals, and while you are performing actions to forward your goals, other concerns fade away". This lasts for the rest of the day+This ceremony creates a roleplaying effect on the target - "You feel driven to accomplish your goals, and while you are performing actions to forward your goals, other concerns fade away". This lasts for the rest of the event
 === Rite of Perseverance === === Rite of Perseverance ===
-This ceremony creates a roleplaying effect on the target - "You feel a drive to stubbornly persevere, and refuse to let obstacles stand in the way of your success"​. While under the effect of this Ceremony, you become [[combat#​Walking Wounded]] after being [[combat#​becoming unconscious|Unconscious]] or [[combat#​becoming Badly Injured|Badly Injured]] for only 150 seconds (usually this time is 300 seconds).+This ceremony creates a roleplaying effect on the target - "You feel a drive to stubbornly persevere, and refuse to let obstacles stand in the way of your success"​. While under the effect of this Ceremony, you become [[combat#​Walking Wounded]] after being [[combat#​becoming unconscious|Unconscious]] or [[combat#​becoming Badly Injured|Badly Injured]] for only 60 seconds (usually this time is 300 seconds). This lasts for the rest of the day.
 === Rite of Focus === === Rite of Focus ===
 You concentrate the mind of another character on their chosen Profession. If they have any of the following skills - Engineer, Etheric Science, Corporeal Science, Life Science, then they may choose one of those skills to count as one rank higher during the next downtime (which will allow them to do more work or research). If they have only one of the above skills, then it counts as 2 ranks higher. Characters do not gain any new device masteries or mods as a result of this ceremony. You concentrate the mind of another character on their chosen Profession. If they have any of the following skills - Engineer, Etheric Science, Corporeal Science, Life Science, then they may choose one of those skills to count as one rank higher during the next downtime (which will allow them to do more work or research). If they have only one of the above skills, then it counts as 2 ranks higher. Characters do not gain any new device masteries or mods as a result of this ceremony.
 +===== Heroic Devotion =====
 +{{ :​image:​dominion:​tulaki_hero_shout.jpg?​200|}}
 +  * Heroic Devotion costs 2 points per rank.
 +  * Starting characters cannot buy Heroic Devotion.
 +  * A character can only purchase a single rank of Heroic Devotion after each event.
 +  * You must be devoted to a specific [[Immortal Spirits|Immortal Spirit]] by a Priest before purchasing ranks in this skill.
 +  * Heroic Devotion grants the favour of the Immortal Spirit that your character is devoted to.
 +  * Only characters currently in the Dominion can purchase ranks of Heroic Devotion.
 +Heroic Devotion represents the favour and blessings of one of the Immortal Spirits, which manifest as miraculous abilities relevant to the purview of that Spirit. These will usually take the form of abilities that can be performed a number of times per day, but there is little consistency to this power, and the abilities it grants will vary depending on the focus of your character. Some examples of possible abilities granted by Heroic Devotion to the most well-known Immortal Spirits can be found below. Devoting yourself to a Spirit is an in-character ceremony that can be performed by a Priest, and will be recorded on the game system. If you change or lose your Devotion, or change to a Faction other than the Dominion, your patron Spirit is likely to be angered.
 +==== Example Heroic Devotion Abilities ====
 +This section shows some examples of the kind of abilities that Heroes devoted to the most well-known Immortal Spirits may acquire as they purchase ranks of the Heroic Devotion skill. This section is intended to serve as a guide as to what kind of abilities, and how powerful abilities are at certain ranks. It is important to note the following:
 +  * This is not an exhaustive list of Heroic Devotion abilities.
 +  * There are other named Immortal Spirits with different purviews and associated abilities that Characters can become Devoted to.
 +  * The Heroic Devotion skill is not capped by rank, and can go higher than 5 - but we have only provided examples up to Rank 5.
 +  * Heroic Devotion is highly personal, and there is no guarantee that a character who buys a rank of Heroic Devotion will gain the ability listed here for the associated rank and Devotion.
 +  * See the [[Immortal Spirits]] page for more information on the themes and background of each Immortal Spirit.
 +=== Devotees of Akal the Undefeated ===
 +**Themes:** Physical Prowess, Challenges, Athletes, fitness.\\
 +Heroes devoted to Akal can perform incredible feats of endurance and strength, and hone their body to resist influences that would weaken them.
 +  - Immunity to any roleplaying effects that cause a feeling of weakness or exhaustion.
 +  - Gain immunity to all DISEASE Conditions
 +  - +1 Locational Body Hit
 +  - Gain immunity to all TOXIC Conditions
 +  - //Feats of Strength:// You can perform incredible feats of strength. Ask Refs whether something is possible - examples include moving immovable objects, breaking incredibly tough things, removing obstacles, etc. All take around 30 seconds to build up to perform. The Hero also gains +1 Locational Body Hit. 
 +=== Devotees of Artis the Storm of Blades ===
 +**Themes:** Hunting, killing, tracking and melee combat.\\
 +Heroes devoted to Artis become incredibly proficient with melee weapons, especially blades. They excel at locating and hunting down a target.
 +  - //​Hunter’s Mark:// Once per day, the hero can verbally call out an opponent to Mark them. The Hero strikes for THROUGH using melee weapons until either the Marked or the Hero yield or fall (become knocked out/badly injured).
 +  - //​Hunter’s Senses:// A hero with this ability can spend about a minute analyzing a scene (and asking the encounter Referee) to get a rough idea of what has recently been present and what has happened recently in the immediate area.
 +  - Once per hour, the Hero can strike for STRIKEDOWN with a medium or large melee weapon. +1 daily use of Hunter’s Mark.    ​
 +  - Twice per day, you may call LETHAL against a Marked Target with a melee.  ​
 +  - +1 daily use of Hunter’s Mark. Against Marked targets the Hero may strike for either STRIKE or DISRUPT once per minute with a Melee weapon.
 +=== Devotees of Dalathak the Spear of Triumph ===
 +**Themes:** Combat, War, fighting independently.\\
 +Heroes devoted to Dalathak become consummate expressions of the Soldier. They become one with their weapons, and are tireless and nearly unstoppable in battle. ​
 +  - The Hero may RESIST the first SUNDER on their weapons each day.   
 +  - Armour worn by the Hero has +1 Locational Armour Hit as long as they wear it.
 +  - Any roleplaying effects on you are ignored for as long as you are actively in combat, but resume when you are no longer fighting.  ​
 +  - The Hero recovers 1 lost Body Hit every 5 minutes outside of combat. Weapons held by the Hero RESIST all SUNDER calls.
 +  - //Universal Soldier:// You can use any weapons or armour as if you had the relevant Training skill. When you gain this power any character points spent on Training Skills are refunded.
 +=== Devotees of Dekal the World-Shaper ===
 +**Themes:** Terraforming,​ Farming, Engineering and Planetary Science. \\
 +Heroes devoted to Dekal are deeply in tune with the worlds upon which they walk. As scientists, engineers or other professionals,​ these heroes are able to survive the harsh conditions on untouched planets and take the needed steps to make them fit for habitation.
 +  - When you [[scanners#​sampling|Sample]] from a deposit of Exotic Substances, gain +1 automatic success. ​   ​
 +  - You may assist any skill-based [[card_draw_system|Card Draw Action]] even without the skill as long as you participate in the roleplay. If you do have the relevant skill, add +2 Green cards instead of 1.    ​
 +  - Gain immunity to all RADIATION [[Conditions]]. ​   ​
 +  - In a Card Draw Action with you as the Lead Character, the first time there are 2 red cards in the deck, remove 1 red card. Gain immunity to all TOXIC conditions.
 +  - //Earth Tremor:// The hero may call MASS STRIKEDOWN 3 times per day (which cannot be directed) when they are on a planet (not in a space station or ship). They may also RESIST any STRIKEDOWN calls that affect them.
 +=== Devotees of Dothak the Light-smith ===
 +    ​
 +**Themes:** Engineering,​ technology, individual genius and inspiration.\\
 +The Devoted of Dothak are inspired creators, scientists and genii. Technology seems to bend to their will, and that which they surround themselves with reshapes itself to better protect them.
 +  - When performing a Card Draw Engineering Action as Lead Character, gain +2 Green Cards. ​   ​
 +  - The Hero gains +1 Engineering Work slot between events, which can be used to Modify or Maintain a Device. ​   ​
 +  - The Hero gains immunity to THROUGH.
 +  - Recover 1 lost Armour Hit on all locations every 5 minutes, automatically and without any action required. ​   ​
 +  - When you complete an [[Research|Invention]],​ the prototype you receive will be an enhanced version of the normal item. Creating more of the same Invention will not produce an enhanced version.
 +=== Devotees of Enki the Unifier ===
 +  ​
 +**Themes:** Leaders, visionaries,​ oratory.\\
 +Although the Devoted of Enki are relatively few, their determination and ability to command a crowd with their voice is unmatched.
 +  - The Hero can RESIST any roleplaying effects that cause a feeling of listlessness,​ apathy or indecisiveness.
 +  - //Cultivate Audience:// Once per day, the Hero can call MASS IMBUE "​Respect me" (10 minutes). ​   ​
 +  - //​Motivating Words:// Up to three times each day, by speaking to another character encouragingly for 5 minutes, you grant them a roleplaying effect for the rest of the day that encourages them to pursue their goals. While pursuing their goals directly, they may ignore any roleplaying effects that affect them (although these do still take effect when the target character rests or stops actively pursuing their goals, assuming they have not expired by that point). ​   ​
 +  - //​Fortifying Speech:// The Hero may use one of their daily Motivating Words uses to instead give a speech and call MASS IMBUE Courage (30 minutes) and also grant +1 Locational Body Hit (or +3 Global Body Hits) to up to 10 characters in their audience as long as this effect lasts (show-me lammie). The Hero gains an additional daily use of both Motivating Words and Cultivate Audience.
 +  - //​Captivating Oratory:// The Hero may use one of their daily Cultivate Audience uses to instead call MASS MESMERIZE when giving a speech. Once they have finished speaking they must turn away to break the effect. The Hero also gains an additional daily use of both Motivating Words and Cultivate Audience.
 +=== Devotees of Kalila the Flame-bearer ===
 +    ​
 +**Themes:** Politics, the Law, societal structure.\\
 +Those Heroes who are devoted to Kalila are immensely skilled at political maneuvering,​ and discover cracks in any foe’s political armour.
 +  - You earn +30EC every event. ​   ​
 +  - Each event, you may request a single Favour from the [[dominion_leadership#​the_ecclesiocracy|Dominion Ecclesiocracy]] - your Dominion Status rank will determine the size of favour that will be fully successful, but you will always get something. ​   ​
 +  - After talking to another character for 5 minutes, you may induce them to reveal a hidden truth about themselves (show-me lammie) ​   ​
 +  - After talking to another character for 5 minutes, you may induce them to tell you one of their goals (show-me lammie) ​   ​
 +  - Once per event, you may denounce another character who you feel has committed a crime or amoral act, and they will be struck with a terrible curse.
 +=== Devotees of Lukan the Wayfinder ===
 +    ​
 +**Themes:** Science, exploration,​ discovery.\\
 +Heroic Devotees of Lukan are have preternatural abilities when it comes to scientific investigation. Scanners sing in their hands, and the universe whispers its secrets to them.
 +  - You can Examine and Survey without a [[scanners|scanner]]. You still must perform investigative roleplay to use this ability, but you are relying on your keen senses and inspired knowledge. You do not have to spend charges to use this ability.
 +  - You may choose to RESIST the first [[conditions|Condition]] you gain while on an off-site mission each day of an event. ​   ​
 +  - You gain +1 Generic [[Research]] Point.
 +  - Once per day, on an off-site mission, you can ask the mission Referee to find a cluster of a specific type of Exotic Substance, and you will find it. You may Sample it as normal.
 +  - Any time you use a Scanner for any purpose you automatically gain 1 success.
 +=== Devotees of Neboro the Charred ===
 +**Themes:** Protection, architecture,​ self-sacrifice.\\ ​
 +Following the example of the Charred Immortal, Heroes devoted to this patron spirit are nigh immovable when ensconced in a position they have chosen to defend.
 +  - You may //Root// yourself to the spot to RESIST STRIKEDOWN and REPEL, planting your feet steadily on the ground and not moving them again. You must remain rooted until 10 seconds after any STRIKEDOWN or REPEL effects strike you.    ​
 +  - A Shield you carry may RESIST any SUNDER calls that strike it.    ​
 +  - By spending a few minutes analysing any structure (large immovable objects or constructions),​ you may speak to a Referee to potentially gain some useful information about it (its purpose, construction,​ vulnerabilities,​ etc).    ​
 +  - When Rooted you can now also RESIST FREEZE and KNOCKOUT ​   ​
 +  - Once each day, when Rooted, the Hero can spend 10 seconds of roleplay calling upon their inner will to explode with a wave of incredible force, calling MASS GLOBAL REND followed by MASS GLOBAL STRIKE (all of which also affects them).
 +=== Devotees of Tulak the Illustrious ===
 +**Themes:** Philosophy, Thought, Inspiration.\\
 +Although in a way every soul in the Dominion is a devotee of Tulak, those who have dedicated themselves to her teachings are inspired by incredible insights.
 +  -  //Observant Logic:// Once per day, when on a mission, you may ask the Referee running the mission if your group has missed anything important, and they may point it out to you. If there is no result forthcoming,​ you don’t use up the daily use of this ability.
 +  - After 5 minutes of talking to another character, you may force them to tell you one thing about them that drives them to complete their goals (show-me lammie). ​   ​
 +  - //Flash of Insight:// Once per day, you may ask at Games Ops for enlightenment concerning a particular plot or question, and get a substantial brief on that thing (if possible). Once the request is put in, it may take some time before the inspiration occurs.
 +  - The Hero gains +2 to all Reputation skills.
 +  - The Hero gains immunity to all IMBUE and MESMERIZE calls.
 +=== Devotees of Volkut the Voidfarer ===
 +**Themes:** Travel, piloting, spaceships.\\
 +Heroes who devote themselves to Volkut display incredible ability to control starships, and supernatural powers of movement, able to travel to where they will to go.
 +  - If a ship you are on is destroyed, you may draw 2 cards to determine if you suffer an injury and choose the best result. ​   ​
 +  - Starships you are crewing gain a coolant boost (+5 coolant) ​
 +  - //The Way of Will:// Once per day, you may focus your will to teleport back to an orbiting starship or from one point to another point on the same planet (takes 10 seconds of roleplay focusing on your intended destination to use) 
 +  - Reduce the severity of any [[Conditions]] taken by crew on your ship by 1 step.
 +  - Once per ship mission, you may entreat the immortal spirits to show you the way, and mysteriously move your ship to any named grid sector in the current mission. You gain two additional daily uses of the Way of Will.
 +=== Devotees of Wesrix the Truth-Speaker ===
 +    ​
 +**Themes:** Diplomacy, Mediation.\\
 +Devotees of Wesrix are incredible negotiators,​ able to inspire a range of positive emotions in those they deal with as well as intuit the connections between people to open up new avenues of diplomacy.
 +  - In a direct conversation with another character you may call IMBUE CALM (10 Minutes) on them.
 +  - In a direct conversation with another character you may call IMBUE TRUST (10 Minutes) on them.
 +  - Once each event, you may describe an individual as part of an ongoing plotline and receive their name for the purposes of contacting them. This only applies to individuals that are contactable via the Spacer Collective Comms network, and actually open to communication.
 +  - By speaking to a group of people for 30 seconds you may call MASS IMBUE CALM (10 Minutes) ​   ​
 +  - Once per day, you may declare yourself a peaceful emissary, holding your hands together or folding your arms. Until you seperate your arms, or 1 hour has passed, you may RESIST any attack with a weapon that strikes you. You cannot walk faster than a slow walk, and you can still be captured in this state, but you cannot be harmed by another character.
 {{tag>​tulaki dominion characters rules}} {{tag>​tulaki dominion characters rules}}
devotion_skills.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/08 19:13 by conan