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dominion [2018/02/27 13:05]
admin added images and vassal species.
dominion [2018/03/22 14:35]
admin [Kelki]
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 ===== Vassal Species ===== ===== Vassal Species =====
 +The Dominion is a diverse faction, united by their devotion to the Path. Many vassal species have been brought under the authority of the ecclesiocracy,​ either by forceful conquest, diplomacy or the work of evangelising priests. The Tulaki welcome those who are willing to demonstrate their greatness among distant stars, and their heroes seek to inspire them with their might and prowess.
 +It is possible to create your own vassal species - if you have a great idea for a species, then you can submit it to the game team for possible inclusion into the Orion Sphere universe. See the [[Vassal Species]] page for details and guidelines of the kind of things we are looking for in a new species.
 ==== Xak’noth ==== ==== Xak’noth ====
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 **Appearance:​** Kelki are humanoid in general shape, but possess pointed ears and heavyset, gnarled brows (both achievable with prosthetics). Their skin is mostly human-like in colour, although their faces above the cheekbones are covered with a light coating of brown fur shot through with silver patches. Psionic Kelki have patchy fur that glows in psionically active areas (physrepped by UV-reactive make-up), and some have irises that do the same. **Appearance:​** Kelki are humanoid in general shape, but possess pointed ears and heavyset, gnarled brows (both achievable with prosthetics). Their skin is mostly human-like in colour, although their faces above the cheekbones are covered with a light coating of brown fur shot through with silver patches. Psionic Kelki have patchy fur that glows in psionically active areas (physrepped by UV-reactive make-up), and some have irises that do the same.
-**Abilities:​** Kelki have 2 locational body hits and a Death Count of 200 seconds. Kelki are latent telekinetics,​ and with training are able to use their mental powers to affect the physical world in a far more direct way than Elysian psions. Kelki start with 1 Psi Point, and can buy powers from the [[kelki psionic paths#​Telekinesis]] Root Path and its Branch Paths. The extent of their powers is not well-known among the other species of the galaxy, but it is known that they can generate effects similar to the [[calls_effects#​REPEL]] and [[calls_effects#​KNOCKDOWN]] calls.+**Abilities:​** Kelki have 2 locational body hits and a Death Count of 200 seconds. Kelki are latent telekinetics,​ and with training are able to use their mental powers to affect the physical world in a far more direct way than Elysian psions. Kelki start with 1 Psi Point, and can buy powers from the [[kelki psionic paths#​Telekinesis]] Root Path and its Branch Paths. The extent of their powers is not well-known among the other species of the galaxy, but it is known that they can generate effects similar to the [[calls_effects#​REPEL]] and [[calls_effects#​STRIKEDOWN]] calls.
 ===== Inspirations ===== ===== Inspirations =====
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 These tenets are rounded out with numerous rites and ceremonies that give structure to Tulaki life. Adherents believe that the universe is filled with immortal spirits, who were once mortals that excelled in a particular field of endeavour, and upon their death became a disembodied spirit responsible for overseeing that field. These tenets are rounded out with numerous rites and ceremonies that give structure to Tulaki life. Adherents believe that the universe is filled with immortal spirits, who were once mortals that excelled in a particular field of endeavour, and upon their death became a disembodied spirit responsible for overseeing that field.
-It is possible for many immortal spirits to represent a single field – as long as they are remembered by mortals, their divinity remains intact. In this way, memory is the competition of the spirits – a spirit that is superseded by another and forgotten must return to the cycle of rebirth and endeavour to become a well-remembered immortal once more. This ever-striving nature of the faith is what propelled the relatively stagnant Tulaki society to the great height it occupies today. When laying down the tenets, Tulak clearly left room for all the subspecies of her homeworld to prosper – instead of the purely martial path to success (in which the more physically powerful subspecies had a distinct advantage), the Path gives a route for all to attain immortality in whichever fields they are best suited.+It is possible for many [[immortal spirits]] to represent a single field – as long as they are remembered by mortals, their divinity remains intact. In this way, memory is the competition of the spirits – a spirit that is superseded by another and forgotten must return to the cycle of rebirth and endeavour to become a well-remembered immortal once more. This ever-striving nature of the faith is what propelled the relatively stagnant Tulaki society to the great height it occupies today. When laying down the tenets, Tulak clearly left room for all the subspecies of her homeworld to prosper – instead of the purely martial path to success (in which the more physically powerful subspecies had a distinct advantage), the Path gives a route for all to attain immortality in whichever fields they are best suited. ​You can find information on the most prominent Immortal Spirits [[Immortal Spirits|here]]
 While the tenets of the Path have been of great overall benefit to the society, they leave space for a dark undercurrent in the faith. Some Tulaki believe in obtaining excellence by superlative achievement in areas that most would consider unacceptable or monstrous – theft, torture, treason or other criminal activities. The priesthood and government of the Dominion roundly reject those who would work to obtain immortality by these means, and consider immortal spirits of such acts to be monsters and demons. However, there have never been any cohesive theological arguments that have managed to hold together for the total rejection of ascension through these methods. Nevertheless,​ the vast majority of Tulaki society does reject ascension by these criminal routes. While the tenets of the Path have been of great overall benefit to the society, they leave space for a dark undercurrent in the faith. Some Tulaki believe in obtaining excellence by superlative achievement in areas that most would consider unacceptable or monstrous – theft, torture, treason or other criminal activities. The priesthood and government of the Dominion roundly reject those who would work to obtain immortality by these means, and consider immortal spirits of such acts to be monsters and demons. However, there have never been any cohesive theological arguments that have managed to hold together for the total rejection of ascension through these methods. Nevertheless,​ the vast majority of Tulaki society does reject ascension by these criminal routes.
 {{tag>​faction dominion tulaki}} {{tag>​faction dominion tulaki}}
dominion.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/02 23:28 by conan