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safety_conduct [2022/02/01 14:21]
safety_conduct [2022/08/31 23:39]
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   * References to non-consensual sex or sex with minors are not permitted.   * References to non-consensual sex or sex with minors are not permitted.
-The game setting does include in-character prejudice and bigotry - it is fine to insult another character on the basis of an in-character attribute, such as species, affiliation,​ role, rank or IC belief. Certain cultures are explicitly bigoted against, for example, non-humans in the [[Ascendancy]]. Discrimination based on someone'​s real-world attributes is not acceptable at our events, and any behaviour based on it is not permitted, either IC or OOC.+The game setting does include in-character prejudice and bigotry - it is fine to insult another character on the basis of an **in-character** attribute, such as species, affiliation,​ role, rank or IC belief. Discrimination based on someone'​s real-world attributes is not acceptable at our events, and any behaviour based on it is not permitted, either IC or OOC.
 Although Orion Sphere is set in the far future of our own galaxy, all in-game human cultures have undergone significant change and upheaval, and the desperation of either post-collapse Terra, or colonisation of a new world, brought humans together to cooperate in a way that eliminated any residual discrimination. In the Sol system, Earth nationality became irrelevant when Terra collapsed, racism vanished due to the necessities of preserving viable genes and political coupling between the early Houses, and everyone pretty much accepted everyone else because the alternative was extinction - and then over 3000 years passed to remove any vestiges of discriminatory practice. In the game setting, it is common knowledge that gender equality is a necessary step for any species that becomes capable of space travel. Although Orion Sphere is set in the far future of our own galaxy, all in-game human cultures have undergone significant change and upheaval, and the desperation of either post-collapse Terra, or colonisation of a new world, brought humans together to cooperate in a way that eliminated any residual discrimination. In the Sol system, Earth nationality became irrelevant when Terra collapsed, racism vanished due to the necessities of preserving viable genes and political coupling between the early Houses, and everyone pretty much accepted everyone else because the alternative was extinction - and then over 3000 years passed to remove any vestiges of discriminatory practice. In the game setting, it is common knowledge that gender equality is a necessary step for any species that becomes capable of space travel.
safety_conduct.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/09/06 18:55 by conan