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characters [2018/02/26 17:24]
characters [2025/01/13 18:49] (current)
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   * All Characters must belong to one of the four Major Factions – [[Ascendancy]],​ [[Commonality]],​ [[Dominion]] and [[Free Union]].   * All Characters must belong to one of the four Major Factions – [[Ascendancy]],​ [[Commonality]],​ [[Dominion]] and [[Free Union]].
-  * You must play one of the species associated with your chosen Faction – either the main species ​or one of the Faction’s [[Vassal ​Species]]. The species you choose determines your starting Hits and Death Count, and may give you access to some rare skills & abilities.+  * You must play one of the species associated with your chosen Faction – either the Core Species ​or one of the Faction’s ​other [[Species]]. The species you choose determines your starting Hits and Death Count, and may give you access to some special ​skills & abilities.
   * You have 10 Character Points to spend on skills and abilities for your character.   * You have 10 Character Points to spend on skills and abilities for your character.
   * Your character must belong to a [[Groups|Group]] – you can join an existing group or start play as a group of one.   * Your character must belong to a [[Groups|Group]] – you can join an existing group or start play as a group of one.
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 ===== Development ===== ===== Development =====
-  * Players gain one Character Point for every event they attend.+  * Players ​and Crew gain one Character Point for every Main Event they attend
 +    * Players and Crew of [[sanctioned event guidelines|Sanctioned Events]] gain 0.5 Character Points for attending.
   * Unspent points may be spent on a new character (does not apply to your initial 10 points)   * Unspent points may be spent on a new character (does not apply to your initial 10 points)
-  * Points may be spent between ​events+  * Points may be spent between ​Main Events. 
-  * Certain skills may not be public knowledge. Skills that are available to buy will appear in your downtime+    * If you buy a new skill that has benefits in [[Downtime]] (Engineering and Science skills) they do not grant those benefits until the following Downtime
 +  * Certain skills may not be public knowledge. ​Hidden ​Skills that are available to buy will appear in your downtime.
 ===== Duration ===== ===== Duration =====
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   * Basic Weapons Training – you may use small and medium melee weapons in your primary hand.   * Basic Weapons Training – you may use small and medium melee weapons in your primary hand.
-  * Light Energy Weapon Training – you may use Energy Weapons with a dart capacity ​of 10 or lower, with no powered mechanism and no replaceable magazine. +  * Light Energy Weapon Training – you may use Energy Weapons with a dart capacity ​less than 10, with no powered mechanism and no replaceable magazine. 
-  * Basic Tech Training – You can use any Tech devices that do not explicitly require a skill to use.(anything that does not explicitly require a skill to use).+  * Basic Tech Training – You can use any Tech devices that do not explicitly require a skill to use.
   * Light Armour Training – you can wear Light Armour, which gives 1 locational Armour Hit.   * Light Armour Training – you can wear Light Armour, which gives 1 locational Armour Hit.
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   * [[Combat Skills]] are concerned with fighting, resisting injury and attacks, and weapons training.   * [[Combat Skills]] are concerned with fighting, resisting injury and attacks, and weapons training.
-  * [[Professional Skills]] are concerned with manipulating and investigating the galaxy, and encompass non-combat specialist training and knowledge. ​They also encompass ​building your reputation.+  * [[Professional Skills]] are concerned with manipulating and investigating the galaxy, and encompass non-combat specialist training and knowledge. 
 +  * [[Reputation Skills]] are concerned with building your reputation ​among the various Factions and MegaCorps, and can unlock special missions or bonuses.
   * [[Psionics Skills]] are concerned with unlocking the hidden mental powers of certain species. They allow psionic characters to unleash the might of their minds upon the galaxy.   * [[Psionics Skills]] are concerned with unlocking the hidden mental powers of certain species. They allow psionic characters to unleash the might of their minds upon the galaxy.
   * [[Species Skills]] are special training or powers that are restricted to a small number of species, such as the Ascendancy Terran'​s iron discipline or the powers of the Tulaki priesthood.   * [[Species Skills]] are special training or powers that are restricted to a small number of species, such as the Ascendancy Terran'​s iron discipline or the powers of the Tulaki priesthood.
 {{tag>​rules characters}} {{tag>​rules characters}}
characters.1519665846.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/13 16:53 (external edit)