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 ====== Devices ====== ====== Devices ======
-====== ​Game Items ======+Devices are a set of game items that represent powerful technological tools and weapons. In most cases, Devices can be used by characters to achieve effects that would not otherwise be possible, like scanning areas for strange phenomena, or firing energy blasts that knock enemies from their feet. Devices are represented by pieces of technology with a laminated item card provided by the Game Team - this "​lammie"​ denotes the item as special and details what abilities it has.
-In Orion Sphere LRP, characters will be heavily reliant on items to be able to interact ​with the world and use special powers and abilitiesAdvanced technology and equipment are one of the keystones of the sci-fi genre and the widespread ​use of physical objects (technology) is what often distinguishes science fiction from other genres where special powers are more likely ​to be innate - magic in fantasy, superpowers in superhero fiction, etc. With this in mind, Orion Sphere will feature a wide array of game items, which have been divided into the categories detailed below. Each category details the physrep requirement for that sort of item.+Devices are separated from other Game Items by dint of their ability ​to be maintained and Modified by characters ​with the [[professional skills#​Engineer]] skillMost devices also use Charges ​to power their abilities.
-Many game items, particularly technological ones like weapons, armour and devices, can be modified by engineer and scientist characters to improve them and grant them new abilities.+===== Working with Devices =====
-Some example images of game items made by the Game Team will be made available in the next few weeksalthough examples of the styles used by each Faction can be seen on the Pinterest boards indicated on each Faction'​s pages. If you are interested in building some physreps for Game Items, please let us know and share some images of your work - it might help to inspire others!+==== SunderBroken ​and Repair ====
-=== Lammies ===+  * Devices hit by the [[calls_effects#​SUNDER]] call cannot be used until they have been repaired by an Engineer roleplaying fixing them. 
 +  * Devices that are **Broken** cannot be used until they have been repaired by an Engineer performing a [[card_draw_system|Card Draw Action]] on them, which is riskier.
-The majority of game items that have special abilities or calls will have an attached laminated cardor lammieWithin ​the game arealammies must remain attached ​to a suitable physrep at all times.+Devices in the game can become damaged by various effects and phenomenaand can usually be repaired by [[professional skills#​Engineer|Engineers]]There are two levels of damage that Devices can suffer - **Sundered** and **Broken**. Both render ​the device unusable until it is repairedbut one is more complicated and risky to repair than the other.
-=== Charges ===+A Sundered device has been struck or blasted by the [[calls_effects#​SUNDER]] call, causing minor damage that prevents the device from working, but is easy to fix. Sundered devices can be repaired by an [[professional skills#​Engineer]] in the field by a minute or two of roleplayed action fixing the device. More skilled engineers take less time to repair devices in this way.
-Most items that have in-game powers will require energy ​to use their abilities - a certain number of Charges that they can hold and use. For example, an energy weapon might be able to fire stunning bolt that freezes someone for a few seconds, or a science ​device ​might be able to scan the local area for life-signs, and using these abilities will require them to use up Charges. Charges are represented by tear-cardsabout 23mm X 74mm you can just attach these cards to your item with an elastic band or similarbut we would encourage participants ​to build in slots to store these cards in the items they build if possible. Charges are purchased from the Faction Representatives or from the MegaCorp employees in the hub area of each game - the flat rate is 1 energy chit for 1 Charge.+A Broken device has suffered more extensive damage, internally as well as externally, which takes more time to fix and can be risky to repair. To fix Broken devicean [[professional skills#​Engineer]] must obtain 1 or more successes at [[card_draw_system|Card Draw Action]], which requires a Referee. The Card Draw Action carries the risk of failure - a Broken ​device ​may injure ​the people trying ​to repair itpermanently break or even explode! Items become Broken through different circumstances that reflect unusual conditions ​using [[Quark Plasma]] Exotic Particles on a device ​can burn out its internalswhile exposure ​to certain strange entropic energies can rapidly degrade most devices.
-Game items that we currently have plans to use Charges with are: Melee and Energy weapons, Shields, Armour, Energy Fields, Tech and Science Devices.+==== Maintenance ====
-====== Item Categories ======+Devices need to be regularly maintained lest they break down and stop working. A character with the [[professional skills#​engineer]] skill can perform maintenance on a device to extend its lifetime - with regular maintenance,​ a device can continue working potentially forever.
-===== Protection =====+  * Device Lammies have a duration - they will work until just before a numbered Orion Sphere LRP event - at that event they will stop working. 
 +  * An [[professional skills#​Engineer]] can maintain a device between events to extend its life by 4 more main events. Maintaining a single device uses up one of the Engineer'​s work slots (of which they get 1 for every rank they have in the [[professional skills#​Engineer]] skill. The device must be in the Inventory of the Engineer doing the work. 
 +  * If a device is not maintained, its lammie expires completely 4 events after it stops working - at this point it is junk and can never be useful again. 
 +  * Maintaining a device costs Energy Chits, which are used to buy materials. The cost is determined by how many [[Mods]] are on the device, and its Cost. 
 +    * Maintenance costs 1/10 of the Base Cost. 
 +    * This is multiplied by a modifier determined by the number of mods on the device (see the table below).
-==== Armour ​====+==== Modifying ​====
-[[https://​​pin/​808325833091718795/​|{{ https://​​564x/​c0/​ca/​09/​c0ca0903081f8a7450a59ac89393d8b0.jpg?​200}}]][[https://​​pin/​808325833091728536/​|{{ https://​​564x/​f5/​ac/​66/​f5ac66a10564abe16808f100c0f27c12.jpg?​200}}]] +Devices can be modified with extra technology to grant them more powers and abilities, although each modification crammed into a device makes it more expensive to maintain and modify further. A character with the [[professional skills#​engineer]] skill can work on a device between events to add one of the [[Mods]] that they know to it (assuming it is the right kind of device).
-Characters can wear physical armour ​to protect them from attacks and from hostile environments. Armour can be modded to resist more damage, or activate Charge-fuelled abilities to self-repair or render them immune to harm for a short time. +
-There are three categories ​of armour, differentiated by their flexibility and bulkiness. All armour physreps must be constructed to appear like actual protective gear - thick clothing is not sufficient.+
-  * Light Armour is made from flexible material such as thin leather or woven armoured fibres. It should be reasonably light and flexible enough ​to allow good range of movement.  +  * An [[professional skills#​Engineer]] can work on a device between events ​to add one of the Mods that they know to it. Modding ​single device uses up one of the Engineer'​s work slots (of which they get 1 for every rank they have in the [[professional skills#​Engineer]] skill. ​ The device must be in the Inventory of the Engineer doing the work
-  * Medium Armour is made from either semi-rigid material (such as thickboiled leather or thick foam padding) or flexible material with rigid plates or panels attached ​to at least 50% of the location ​to be protectedLight chain mail such as aluminium chain or butcher'​s mail also counts as Medium Armour+  * Modding a device costs Energy Chitswhich are used to buy specialist materials ​to apply the ModThe cost is determined by how many [[Mods]] are on the device, and its Cost
-  Heavy armour is made from rigid plates or panels or of heavy chain mail. Flexible material can be incorporated into the armour as a backing or for articulation,​ but the surface area must be almost entirely covered with rigid plates or panels. This could include metal (metal plates must be at least 1mm thick or have turned edges), rigid plastic or hardened, heat-treated foam.+    Modding costs 1/2 of the Base Cost. 
 +    * This is multiplied by a modifier determined by the number of mods on the device ​(see the table below).
-==== Energy Fields ====+If you haven'​t managed to get hold of a device you want to Mod, you can buy off-the-shelf equipment between events - the list of purchasable equipment can be found here - [[Downtime Equipment List]].
-Energy field emitters project protective barriers of force around a character, and act as a first line of defence that can be recharged relatively quickly when not in combat. Emitters must be physrepped with a technological device at least the size of 2 packs of playing cards in volume. Guidelines for the overall style or look of a Faction'​s technology can be found on the faction pages. An energy field emitter must be worn over any other costume in order to have any effect.+==== Maintenance & Modding Costs ====
-===== Injectors ​and Injectables =====+The more you modify a device from its basic version, the more temperamental ​and expensive it becomes. Cramming additional tech into a device can vastly expand its capabilities,​ but maintaining those additions is expensive. Adding even more modifications means having to miniaturise things or create complex workarounds so that the device works with its new additions, and the price rapidly mounts up. Most devices can accommodate about seven or eight modifications before the cost starts to become truly astronomical,​ but dedicated Engineers can in theory go much further for wealthy patrons who are willing to pay for a truly extraordinary device.
-[[https://​​pin/​808325833091730328/​|{{ https://​​564x/​df/​d1/​95/​dfd195ebc463960174f1a29400fc7dad.jpg?​200}}]] +The cost multipliers to maintain ​and mod equipment are listed on the table belowAll the costs are multiplied by the devices ​"Base Cost" - the price of the basic item off the rack from the manufacturerOnce all modifiers have been appliedfractions are rounded up to the nearest whole Energy Chit number.
-The role of potions ​and drugs in other systems will be filled by injectables and injectorsInjectors ​are devices ​that carry doses of pharmaceuticals for quick administrationThey might look like an automatic syringe (such as those used in EpiPens)or some kind of gun device, or something in-between. Critically, injector physreps **__must not incorporate any actual sharp needles__** or any other method of actually puncturing ​the skin - they are for in-game roleplay purposes only.+
-Pharmaceuticals can be physrepped by bottles or ampoules ​of clear or coloured liquidTo be used, you must either roleplay loading them into an injector, or roleplay using medical equipment such as syringes (again, **__without real needles__**) ​to administer them directly ​to another character (which takes more time).+^ Number ​of Mods ^ 0 ^ 1 ^ 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 ^ 5 ^ 6 ^ 7 ^ 8 ^ 9 ^ 10 ^ 
 +^ Multiplier | 1 | 1.49 | 2.23 | 3.32 | 4.95 | 7.39 | 11.02 | 16.44 | 24.53 | 36.6 | 54.6 | 
 +^ Cost to maintain a Base Cost 10 Device | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 11 | 16 | 25 | 37 | 55 | 
 +^ Cost to modify a Base Cost 10 Device | 5 | 7 | 11 | 17 | 25 | 37 | 55 | 82 | 123 | 183 | 273 |
 +For those who are interested, the Multiplier is an [[https://​​wiki/​Exponential_function|Exponential Function]] based on the number of Mods applied to the item -> E(mods_applied/​2.5)
-===== Tech Devices =====+=== Examples ​===
-Tech Devices are pieces of technology that have a game effect that doesnt fit into other categories. They are devices and tools that are manufactured by the megacorps or factions and have an effect on the game world somehow when used. Examples include rebreathers for entering toxic atmospheres,​ emergency first aid kits, psi-field emitters or programmable maintenance nanites. Most tech devices in the game world will be single-used items or devices with Charges, which can be bought from Megacorp employees in the hub area. +== Advanced Armaments Blaster Pistol ==
-Tech device physreps could take wide variety of forms, and need not strictly relate to what the device actually does - so you can link your tech device physrep with whatever lammies are associated with itTech device physreps should be large enough to need an entire hand to hold, and clearly look like technological device. Some specific examples of tech devices are detailed below, with additional requirements for their physreps if there are any.+[{{ :​image:​items:​legend_pistol.jpg?​200|<​html><​font color="​black">​From humble origins ​legend can be made</​font></​html>​}}] This basic pistolwith a charge capacity of 2 and no special firing modes or anything else out of the box costs 20 chits brand newHaving rolled off the [[Advanced Armaments]] assembly lines, it would cost 2 chits to maintain and extend its life for 4 more events, and 10 chits to apply Mod to it.
-==== Charge ​Packs ====+  * Its owner adds the Disruption Bolt Mod to it, allowing it to tear 2 charges to call [[calls_effects#​DISRUPT]]. It now costs 3 EC to maintain, 15 to Mod again. 
 +  * They then add the Charge ​Cells Mod, giving it a total of 4 Charges. It now costs 4 EC to maintain, and 22 to Mod. 
 +  * They add Charge Cells again, giving it a total of 6 Charges. It now costs 7 EC to maintain, and 33 to Mod. 
 +  * Since they'​ve invested quite a bit, and don't want it broken, they add an Integrity Field mod. It now costs 10 EC to maintain, and 50 to Mod. 
 +  * Trying to get a bit more utility, they add an Impact Bolt mod. It now costs 15 EC to maintain, and 74 to Mod. 
 +  * They get an Elysian to work on it and add the Psi Crystal Battery mod, giving it a total of 9 Charges. It now costs 22 EC to maintain, and 110 to Mod. 
 +  * They re-commission the same engineer to add another Psi Crystal Battery, giving it a total of 12 Charges. It now costs 33 EC to maintain, and 164 to Mod. 
 +  * The pistol is stolen by an assassin, who takes a shine to it. It needs more punch for their line of work, and they have a friend add the Kill Bolt Mod. It now costs 49 EC to maintain, and 245 to Mod. 
 +  * The owner commissions another Charge Cells addition, bringing the total to 14 Charges. It now costs 73 EC to maintain, and 366 to Mod. 
 +  * It is sold to a wealthy Dominion dealer, who has a Priest make it into a Talisman. It now costs 109 EC to maintain, and 546 to Mod again. This legendary weapon can hold up to 14 Charges, is able to fire for DISRUPT, LETHAL or STRIKEDOWN, and can resist SUNDER calls, as well as acting as a spiritual bulwark for its Dominion owner. Having come from humble origins, it is truly a weapon to be feared.
-Charge packs are simple batteries that hold charges, ready to transfer into other devices. They allow characters to purchase more charges than their gear could normally hold, and use those charges in the field - although it takes time to transfer the charges over, so unlikely to be feasible in the middle of a firefight. Charge Packs can be styled in a manner appropriate to your faction, but in essence they are simple boxes that are big enough to hold Charge Cards in them - probably covered with some logos, copper charging coils or similar. +{{tag>​item rules engineering}}
- +
-==== Science Devices ==== +
- +
-Science devices are the essential tools for every scientist on an away mission. These are the tricorders, scanners, etc that you see on many sci-fi series. In Orion Sphere, there are 3 basic Science Devices, which serve as a base for modification into more specific ones. +
- +
-  * Analyser – Detects the basic properties of a scanned object, and which Speciality is required for further research. +
-  * Sensor - Detects the presence of unusual substances or energies in the immediate vicinity. +
-  * Extractor – Extracts most raw substances into a portable form. Used to sample materials, and collect exotic substances. +
- +
-Engineers can learn mods for the basic science devices that alter them completely into new devices, usually tuned to one of the 3 main Science Specialisations (Etheric, Corporeal and Life Science).[[https://​​pin/​808325833091730268/​|{{ https://​​564x/​d6/​d7/​20/​d6d72073821186b22c6e4c2ef605907c.jpg?​200}}]] These specialised devices are things like bio-scanners that detect life signs on a planetary mission, power converters that allow recharging of Artefacts, Smelters that extract reagents from samples taken in the field, etc. Each one will be tied to one of the 3 specialisations,​ and will require mastery in order to be used. +
- +
-Physreps for science devices should ideally be styled in a manner appropriate to your faction, but in a pinch a phone with a tricorder app will fit the bill reasonably well. Maybe in a fancy phone case. +
- +
- +
-{{tag>​item rules}}+
devices.1519918307.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/13 16:53 (external edit)