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devices [2024/08/28 20:22]
devices [2024/10/16 17:29] (current)
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   * An [[professional skills#​Engineer]] can work on a device between events to add one of the Mods that they know to it. Modding a single device uses up one of the Engineer'​s work slots (of which they get 1 for every rank they have in the [[professional skills#​Engineer]] skill. ​ The device must be in the Inventory of the Engineer doing the work.   * An [[professional skills#​Engineer]] can work on a device between events to add one of the Mods that they know to it. Modding a single device uses up one of the Engineer'​s work slots (of which they get 1 for every rank they have in the [[professional skills#​Engineer]] skill. ​ The device must be in the Inventory of the Engineer doing the work.
   * Modding a device costs Energy Chits, which are used to buy specialist materials to apply the Mod. The cost is determined by how many [[Mods]] are on the device, and its Cost.   * Modding a device costs Energy Chits, which are used to buy specialist materials to apply the Mod. The cost is determined by how many [[Mods]] are on the device, and its Cost.
-    * Maintenance ​costs 1/2 of the Base Cost.+    * Modding ​costs 1/2 of the Base Cost.
     * This is multiplied by a modifier determined by the number of mods on the device (see the table below).     * This is multiplied by a modifier determined by the number of mods on the device (see the table below).
-If you haven'​t managed to get hold of a device you want to Mod, you can buy off-the-shelf equipment between events ​from the [[Advanced Armaments]] [[MegaCorps|MegaCorp]]. The list of purchasable equipment can be found here - [[Advanced Armaments ​Equipment List]].+If you haven'​t managed to get hold of a device you want to Mod, you can buy off-the-shelf equipment between events ​the list of purchasable equipment can be found here - [[Downtime ​Equipment List]].
 ==== Maintenance & Modding Costs ==== ==== Maintenance & Modding Costs ====
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 The more you modify a device from its basic version, the more temperamental and expensive it becomes. Cramming additional tech into a device can vastly expand its capabilities,​ but maintaining those additions is expensive. Adding even more modifications means having to miniaturise things or create complex workarounds so that the device works with its new additions, and the price rapidly mounts up. Most devices can accommodate about seven or eight modifications before the cost starts to become truly astronomical,​ but dedicated Engineers can in theory go much further for wealthy patrons who are willing to pay for a truly extraordinary device. The more you modify a device from its basic version, the more temperamental and expensive it becomes. Cramming additional tech into a device can vastly expand its capabilities,​ but maintaining those additions is expensive. Adding even more modifications means having to miniaturise things or create complex workarounds so that the device works with its new additions, and the price rapidly mounts up. Most devices can accommodate about seven or eight modifications before the cost starts to become truly astronomical,​ but dedicated Engineers can in theory go much further for wealthy patrons who are willing to pay for a truly extraordinary device.
-The cost multipliers to maintain and mod equipment are listed on the table below. All the costs are multiplied by the devices "Base Cost" - the price of the basic item off the rack from the manufacturer. ​Fractions ​are rounded to the nearest whole Energy Chit number.+The cost multipliers to maintain and mod equipment are listed on the table below. All the costs are multiplied by the devices "Base Cost" - the price of the basic item off the rack from the manufacturer. ​Once all modifiers have been applied, fractions ​are rounded ​up to the nearest whole Energy Chit number.
 ^ Number of Mods ^ 0 ^ 1 ^ 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 ^ 5 ^ 6 ^ 7 ^ 8 ^ 9 ^ 10 ^ ^ Number of Mods ^ 0 ^ 1 ^ 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 ^ 5 ^ 6 ^ 7 ^ 8 ^ 9 ^ 10 ^
devices.1724872922.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/08/28 20:22 by conan