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elysian_psionic_paths [2023/08/11 15:01]
elysian_psionic_paths [2024/07/10 01:45] (current)
conan Added Image
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 ==== Resonant Blade ==== ==== Resonant Blade ====
-**Requires Psionic Resonance 2**+[{{ :​image:​commonality:​elysian_blade_byagentbsmith.jpg?​250|<​html><​font color=black>​By channeling psionic power through a specially prepared weapon, a disciple of Resonant Blade can obliterate their opponents</​font></​html>​}}]**Requires Psionic Resonance 2**
 This path attunes the psion'​s mind to weapons modified with a [[Mods#​Cultural Mods|Psi Crystal Matrix]], allowing them to deliver devastating melee strikes. An adept of this path can use their mental energies to ruin enemy weapons, tear through armour and deliver lethal blows. Psions on this path typically use swords and other one-handed bladed weapons, although adepts using large glaives and similar hafted weapons are not unknown. This path attunes the psion'​s mind to weapons modified with a [[Mods#​Cultural Mods|Psi Crystal Matrix]], allowing them to deliver devastating melee strikes. An adept of this path can use their mental energies to ruin enemy weapons, tear through armour and deliver lethal blows. Psions on this path typically use swords and other one-handed bladed weapons, although adepts using large glaives and similar hafted weapons are not unknown.
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 **Requires Psychosomatics 3** **Requires Psychosomatics 3**
-Psychirosi powers attune a psion with their own bodily functions, allowing them to use their mind to exert fine control over their autonomic processes. Adepts of this Path can use their mental ​engeries ​to fortify their bodies, survive hostile environments and shrug off stun bolts as if they were nothing.+Psychirosi powers attune a psion with their own bodily functions, allowing them to use their mind to exert fine control over their autonomic processes. Adepts of this Path can use their mental ​energies ​to fortify their bodies, survive hostile environments and shrug off stun bolts as if they were nothing.
 === Rank 1 - Vigour === === Rank 1 - Vigour ===
elysian_psionic_paths.1691762488.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/08/11 15:01 by conan