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pelgrin_bark_extract [2018/04/25 15:53]
admin created
pelgrin_bark_extract [2024/09/28 00:27] (current)
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 Pelgrin Bark Extract is a type of [[Exotic Biotics|Exotic Biotic]] - an [[Exotic Substances|Exotic Substance]] related to [[Life Science]]. A physrep of a vial of bark or wood chips can be used to represent a few measures of this substance, but particularly large physreps can hold more. Please do not damage the trees on the sites we are using to hold events. Pelgrin Bark Extract is a type of [[Exotic Biotics|Exotic Biotic]] - an [[Exotic Substances|Exotic Substance]] related to [[Life Science]]. A physrep of a vial of bark or wood chips can be used to represent a few measures of this substance, but particularly large physreps can hold more. Please do not damage the trees on the sites we are using to hold events.
-When applied to a character, a measure of Pelgrin Bark Extract restores one lost [[psionics skills#Psi Points|Psi Point]] __or__ [[discipline skills#Will Points|Will Point]]. Tear the Pelgrin Bark Extract card in two to show that it has been used.+When applied to a character, a measure of Pelgrin Bark Extract restores one lost [[psionics skills#Psi Points|Psi Point]] __or__ [[discipline skills#Will Points|Will Point]].
-As with all [[Exotic Substances]],​ a character with at least 1 rank in the relevant speciality ([[professional skills#Life Science]] in this case) can spend 1 minute of appropriate roleplaying to apply 1 measure of Pelgrin Bark Extract to a character.+As with all [[Exotic Substances]],​ a character with at least 1 rank in the relevant speciality ([[professional skills#Life Science]] in this case) can spend 1 minute of appropriate roleplaying to apply 1 measure of Pelgrin Bark Extract to a character. Tear the Pelgrin Bark Extract card in two to show that it has been used. As Pelgrin Bark Extract does not use a sticker, it does not override any Exotic Substance that is already affecting the target ​character.
-{{tag>​galactipedia item science life_science}}+{{tag>​galactipedia item science life_science ​stub}}
pelgrin_bark_extract.1524667994.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/08/13 16:54 (external edit)