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species:felani [2023/08/11 16:28]
species:felani [2024/07/10 00:54] (current)
conan Added image
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 ====== Felani ====== ====== Felani ======
-The Felani (pronounced "​Fel-ah-nee"​) are a mammalian species from the Fel System in the [[:​sector:​Secession Sector]]. Their homeworld is particularly idyllic - mostly free from extremes of weather, large predators and other dangers, as well as bountiful in resources. They were discovered in 2468PT, as the Commonality moved to secure strategic volumes of space during the Commonality-Ascendancy cold war that lingered after [[:​timeline#​the Elysian Revelation]]. When initially encountered,​ they were a mostly pre-industrial society. The majority of the population concentrated on low-intensity agriculture,​ with lots of leisure time and community festivals. The few cities on the Felani homeworld contained a few eccentric inventors and scientific institutions that pursued science mostly as a hobby, and had developed small-scale electricity generation and some rudimentary electronics. ​+[{{:​species:​relaxing_felani_byagentbsmith.jpg?​250 |<​html><​font color="​black">​While curious and adventurous,​ the Felani enjoy spending time relaxing among friends.</​font></​html>​}}]The Felani (pronounced "​Fel-ah-nee"​) are a mammalian species from the Fel System in the [[:​sector:​Secession Sector]]. Their homeworld is particularly idyllic - mostly free from extremes of weather, large predators and other dangers, as well as bountiful in resources. They were discovered in 2468PT, as the Commonality moved to secure strategic volumes of space during the Commonality-Ascendancy cold war that lingered after [[:​timeline#​the Elysian Revelation]]. When initially encountered,​ they were a mostly pre-industrial society. The majority of the population concentrated on low-intensity agriculture,​ with lots of leisure time and community festivals. The few cities on the Felani homeworld contained a few eccentric inventors and scientific institutions that pursued science mostly as a hobby, and had developed small-scale electricity generation and some rudimentary electronics. ​
 The Commonality initially took a hands-off approach, monitoring the Felani in secret and allowing them to develop on their own while the Faction secured the system. Disguised Elysian monitoring teams infiltrated the population and investigated their society, which they determined to be very slow in pace and relaxed in attitude. Given their homeworld'​s bounty, Felani society rarely had to deal with any hardships and they we considered to lack the essential incentives and societal drivers to develop spacefaring technology within the next millennium. However, the overseers of the monitoring teams noticed items and devices going missing at a much higher rate than would normally be expected, but it was put down to carelessness and given lower priority than developing the surrounding volume'​s defences and supply lines for the war. It was only when massive energy signals were detected by orbiting starships a 12 years after the species'​ discovery that the Commonality'​s operatives discovered the truth about the "​disappeared"​ equipment. The Felani were well aware of the presence of the Elysian infiltrators,​ and had constructed elaborate networks around hiding that fact from their "​visitors"​. The technology that had been mislaid had been stolen, sold to Felani scientists across the planet, and reverse-engineered. Felani science had advanced rapidly in an incredibly short time, mostly under the noses of the Elysians. The Commonality initially took a hands-off approach, monitoring the Felani in secret and allowing them to develop on their own while the Faction secured the system. Disguised Elysian monitoring teams infiltrated the population and investigated their society, which they determined to be very slow in pace and relaxed in attitude. Given their homeworld'​s bounty, Felani society rarely had to deal with any hardships and they we considered to lack the essential incentives and societal drivers to develop spacefaring technology within the next millennium. However, the overseers of the monitoring teams noticed items and devices going missing at a much higher rate than would normally be expected, but it was put down to carelessness and given lower priority than developing the surrounding volume'​s defences and supply lines for the war. It was only when massive energy signals were detected by orbiting starships a 12 years after the species'​ discovery that the Commonality'​s operatives discovered the truth about the "​disappeared"​ equipment. The Felani were well aware of the presence of the Elysian infiltrators,​ and had constructed elaborate networks around hiding that fact from their "​visitors"​. The technology that had been mislaid had been stolen, sold to Felani scientists across the planet, and reverse-engineered. Felani science had advanced rapidly in an incredibly short time, mostly under the noses of the Elysians.
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   * 2 Locational Body Hits and a death count of 150 seconds.   * 2 Locational Body Hits and a death count of 150 seconds.
   * Latent Psionic Healing   * Latent Psionic Healing
-    * Psionic - start with 1 Psi Point. May buy psionic powers from the [[:Felani Psionic Paths#UNNAMED|UNNAMED Path]] and its [[:Felani Psionic Paths#Branch Paths|Branch Paths]].+    * Psionic - start with 1 Psi Point. May buy psionic powers from the [[:Felani Psionic Paths#Aura Development]] Path and its [[:Felani Psionic Paths#​Branch Paths]].
     * At any time when resting and not in combat, a Felani character can treat and promote the healing of up to 5 characters (which may include themselves),​ similar to the [[:​professional skills#​Physician]] skill. Affected characters, who must be willing or at least unresisting,​ regain 1 lost body hit every 10 minutes as long as they remain within 10 metres of the Felani character. Characters do not have to be injured to be targets of this ability. Use of this power does require some roleplayed interaction with those being "​treated",​ but this does not need to be medical in theme.     * At any time when resting and not in combat, a Felani character can treat and promote the healing of up to 5 characters (which may include themselves),​ similar to the [[:​professional skills#​Physician]] skill. Affected characters, who must be willing or at least unresisting,​ regain 1 lost body hit every 10 minutes as long as they remain within 10 metres of the Felani character. Characters do not have to be injured to be targets of this ability. Use of this power does require some roleplayed interaction with those being "​treated",​ but this does not need to be medical in theme.
   * Hollow-Boned and Thin-Skinned   * Hollow-Boned and Thin-Skinned
species/felani.1691767729.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/08/11 16:28 by conan