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species:n-dax [2024/05/24 17:05]
species:n-dax [2025/02/23 22:06] (current)
conan Added in game image from E10
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 ===== Appearance ===== ===== Appearance =====
-N-DAX specimens vary widely in appearance, as they adapt to resemble the predominant species in their juvenile or adolescent environment. There are some common external elements, and N-DAX specimens all display similar internal biology. The primary difference from the mimicked species is that the N-DAX will always have feathered protrusions coming from various parts of their bodies - most commonly in the scalp mixed in with the hair, the temples and chin, and lines of longer feathers down the back of the forearm and back of the calf on each leg. +[{{ :​species:​n-dax_with_crew_byagentbsmith.jpg?​300|<​html><​font color="​black">​An adult N-Dax (front) typically adopts the appearance of the dominant species on its ship.</​font></​html>​}}]N-DAX specimens vary widely in appearance, as they adapt to resemble the predominant species in their juvenile or adolescent environment. There are some common external elements, and N-DAX specimens all display similar internal biology. The primary difference from the mimicked species is that the N-DAX will always have feathered protrusions coming from various parts of their bodies - most commonly in the scalp mixed in with the hair, the temples and chin, and lines of longer feathers down the back of the forearm and back of the calf on each leg. 
 Internally, scans of adult N-Dax reveal that although their outer surface and shape conforms to the majority of beings on board their vessel, their internals are very different - if consistent with other specimens of their own species. Indeed it is through the commonality in internal structure that researchers have determined that the N-DAX are a species rather than a series of widely spread anomalous life forms. Their skeletal structure consists of hollow bony tubes wrapped in a hard, leather-like layer and supported by chitin-like flesh supports. The majority of their tissue is a mixture of undifferentiated cells and muscle fibres, all serving as a framework for the various fluid-filled bladders and interconnecting tubes that form a single interconnected system for respiration,​ digestion and homeostasis control. These undifferentiated/​muscle cell masses can rapidly shift to repair any damage. A distributed network of neural and sensory tissue also spreads throughout the body, connecting to various sensory nodes near the outer skin, which protrude through as visual analogues of the mimicked species’ sensory organs. This highly distributed network lacks a central brain structure, which gives them a slight disadvantage in the speed with which they can process complex theoretical inputs - however, it does allow the N-DAX to react very quickly to sensory input, and grants them excellent coordination. The large amount of undifferentiated cell mass around their neural tissue also serves to bleed off harmful neural shock attacks, reducing their overall impact. However, their heightened senses are typically tuned to the more controlled environment of shipboard life, and they find more open environments to be overwhelming. When outside the comfort of their native starship, many N-DAX will require some technological intervention to prevent them being overwhelmed. Internally, scans of adult N-Dax reveal that although their outer surface and shape conforms to the majority of beings on board their vessel, their internals are very different - if consistent with other specimens of their own species. Indeed it is through the commonality in internal structure that researchers have determined that the N-DAX are a species rather than a series of widely spread anomalous life forms. Their skeletal structure consists of hollow bony tubes wrapped in a hard, leather-like layer and supported by chitin-like flesh supports. The majority of their tissue is a mixture of undifferentiated cells and muscle fibres, all serving as a framework for the various fluid-filled bladders and interconnecting tubes that form a single interconnected system for respiration,​ digestion and homeostasis control. These undifferentiated/​muscle cell masses can rapidly shift to repair any damage. A distributed network of neural and sensory tissue also spreads throughout the body, connecting to various sensory nodes near the outer skin, which protrude through as visual analogues of the mimicked species’ sensory organs. This highly distributed network lacks a central brain structure, which gives them a slight disadvantage in the speed with which they can process complex theoretical inputs - however, it does allow the N-DAX to react very quickly to sensory input, and grants them excellent coordination. The large amount of undifferentiated cell mass around their neural tissue also serves to bleed off harmful neural shock attacks, reducing their overall impact. However, their heightened senses are typically tuned to the more controlled environment of shipboard life, and they find more open environments to be overwhelming. When outside the comfort of their native starship, many N-DAX will require some technological intervention to prevent them being overwhelmed.
species/n-dax.1716566724.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/24 17:05 by conan