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system:blackmane [2024/06/04 23:46]
conan created
system:blackmane [2024/06/05 01:02] (current)
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 Blackmane is an inhabited system on the very fringe of Ascendancy space. It's star is very active, and emits harsh and powerful radiation. There is a single research colony in the system, on the dark side of a tidally locked barren planet, where it is just about sheltered enough from the radiation to exist behind a thick protective dome. The research colony was established to study the Blackmane star, but has fallen somewhat into disrepair since efforts to explore the Volans Sector have faded. Blackmane is an inhabited system on the very fringe of Ascendancy space. It's star is very active, and emits harsh and powerful radiation. There is a single research colony in the system, on the dark side of a tidally locked barren planet, where it is just about sheltered enough from the radiation to exist behind a thick protective dome. The research colony was established to study the Blackmane star, but has fallen somewhat into disrepair since efforts to explore the Volans Sector have faded.
-{{tag>​galactipedia astro-cartography system ​dominion}}+{{tag>​galactipedia astro-cartography system ​ascendancy_system}}
system/blackmane.1717541201.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/06/04 23:46 by conan