Table of Contents

Trader Guidelines

Every event, we have a number of slots for Traders to set up and sell items for real money. If you are interested in coming to an event as a trader, please get in touch with us on social media or by emailing We want to work with traders who reflect our ethos, and for this we have a number of guidelines in place.

What to expect from us

Our top priority for traders is to provide a consistent and reliable basis to do business. We are interested in traders who want to keep coming to our events in the future, and are willing to work with us to improve the game going forward. The following is a list of things that you can expect from us by coming to trade at an Orion Sphere LRP event.

To communicate with you

Healthy communication is the foundation of a good business relationship. We’ll try our best to respond to you quickly if you have any questions or concerns, and to bring any of our concerns to you before they escalate. Nathan McDonald is our Trader Liaison at OSLRP mainline events, so if you have any concerns or issues please let him know. Our trader guidelines only apply to events run by the OSLRP team (mainline events). For trading at Sanctioned Events you’ll need to get in touch with the group running the individual event.

Stable and reliable terms

We aim to provide a consistent policy environment for traders who attend our events. We will notify traders of any changes to our policies, fees etc well in advance of making them.

A prominent pitch in the IC area

At the core of each of our main events is a common area where the various MegaCorps set up, and traders are an extension of this. Although the space and facilities available at every site will be different, we will aim to provide pitches in highly trafficked areas where attendees will be regularly walking past. Where possible, we aim to also provide access to basic power (bring your own water resistant extension cable) for lighting, device charging, etc. In sites which are more restricted on space, we aim to prioritise traders who specialise in sci-fi looking kit and other items that fit the OSLRP setting.

To integrate you into the game if you wish

If you would like to do so, we can integrate you more into the game, by offering you some things to sell, information to provide, and other minor in-character things that should encourage player characters to roleplay with you, in a sort of quasi-NPC type capacity. To do this you will need to have a character that fits into the OSLRP setting and background - have a chat with the Game Team if you’re interested in this option and we’ll work out some of the details.

To provide advice on the kinds of things our attendees are looking for

We appreciate that we’ve made a game that is stylistically different from much of the current UK LRP hobby, so a lot of “standard fantasy kit” may not be in high demand at our events. On the other hand, there is a demand for specific items such as device and other technology props. It’s worth having a look at the various Faction Pinterest boards to get an idea of what kind of things we have defined as the “look” for each Faction, but also feel free to get in touch with us if you are looking for more specific guidance or have some ideas for making kit and props that could suit this game.

Pitch Fees

We currently do not charge a pitch fee for trading at a mainline event. Each trading pitch allows for two people to attend in a trading capacity. If additional camping space is required, traders may pitch a sleeping tent in our quiet camp area, or near their pitch if the space allows it. On some sites, there may be bunks available, especially if there is a medical need. Our events are usually catered on a meal ticket system - you are welcome to purchase meal tickets for an event via the Tickets page.

What we expect from you

At the same time, by trading at one of our events we have some expectations of you. We prioritise creating an accessible, comfortable and safe OOC environment for all of our participants, and that requires that anyone who attends our events treats everyone else with respect.

To obey our Conduct rules

While at events, it is very important that all attendees, including Traders, obey our Conduct Policy. Of particular import is the area of harassment and gender identity. OSLRP prioritises being a friendly and welcoming space for people of all genders, and harassment is unacceptable at our events. Our attendees are encouraged to wear ID badges indicating their preferred pronouns, and these should be used where they are known. Deliberate misgendering and insulting language is not acceptable.

To respect our participants and volunteers

We expect Traders to maintain a professional demeanour while at our events and at their stalls. All of our attendees are at events to have a good time or to run a good game for everyone there. If you have any issues with an attendee please bring it to our Trader Liaison and we will see if we can resolve it through proper channels. Aggressive or poor behaviour directed at other attendees is not acceptable.

Not to bring OSLRP into disrepute by association

In order to trade at our events, you need to maintain a good reputation within the LRP community, including outside of events. This is the basic expectation of a Business-to-Business relationship - we can’t continue to have traders at our events whose presence could alienate a portion of our player base.

To be mindful of the items that you bring to our events for sale

Weapons and dart blasters must conform to our guidelines on safety, construction and power limits to be brought into the field. This means that you cannot bring LRP weapons designed for stabbing, or blasters that fire above 120fps. If a player wishes to purchase or commission this type of item from you, then they may do so, as long as these items are not on display in the in-character area and are secured in a vehicle or similar when not being transferred. You do not have to have all of your items weapons checked by us prior to sale, but it is important to stress to anyone purchasing items that require weapons check that once purchased they must be checked before they can be used at the event, and it cannot be assumed that they will pass.

While you can sell items that do not fit the OSLRP game at events, we ask that you display these items inside your pitch, and prioritise the front displays for items that fit the setting where possible.

Any items sold at your stall must comply with any statutory legal requirements, where they exist.

Traders are not permitted to sell alcohol at our events. If you have alcohol to sell then we may be able to arrange selling it through our IC Bar, but we are limited by our Temporary Entertainment Notices in where and when we can have alcohol be sold at events.

To wear appropriate IC clothing during time in

You should wear costume appropriate to one of the four Factions while in the In-Character area during time in. See the Faction Pinterest Boards or the Faction Look & Feel pages on this wiki to get an idea of appropriate costume styles. The Free Union or Ascendancy look are probably the easiest to pull together from normal clothing.