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commonality [2018/01/02 18:33]
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commonality [2018/06/24 22:53]
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 ====== The Elysian Commonality ====== ====== The Elysian Commonality ======
-//​Interconnectivity is the common thread of all sophont cultures. Greater connections with one's fellow beings, and with the universe at large, is the path to advancement and enlightenment. Those species that walk the path towards enlightenment must be protected and guided. Those who would block that path must be pushed aside. The Commonality knows these things to be true, and that truth must be acted upon.//+[{{ :​image:​commonality:​elysians_forest_e1.jpg?​300|The psions of the Commonality wield their mental powers to further their mysterious plans}}]//​Interconnectivity is the common thread of all sophont cultures. Greater connections with one's fellow beings, and with the universe at large, is the path to advancement and enlightenment. Those species that walk the path towards enlightenment must be protected and guided. Those who would block that path must be pushed aside. The Commonality knows these things to be true, and that truth must be acted upon.//
 At the heart of the Commonality are the diplomats, judges and agents of the Elysians, a fragile species of powerful psions. Their harnessing of the strange powers of the mind allows them to perform what appear to be miracles, traversing vast distances without starships, healing the injured and crushing the spirits of their foes. The ruling judges of the Elysians guide the Commonality as a whole, choosing which other species should benefit from their enlightenment and protection. In their wisdom they set in motion complex chains of interventions that further their hidden goals, snaring unsuspecting sophonts and pulling them along with the inevitability of the solar winds. At the heart of the Commonality are the diplomats, judges and agents of the Elysians, a fragile species of powerful psions. Their harnessing of the strange powers of the mind allows them to perform what appear to be miracles, traversing vast distances without starships, healing the injured and crushing the spirits of their foes. The ruling judges of the Elysians guide the Commonality as a whole, choosing which other species should benefit from their enlightenment and protection. In their wisdom they set in motion complex chains of interventions that further their hidden goals, snaring unsuspecting sophonts and pulling them along with the inevitability of the solar winds.
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 The Commonality seeks greater understanding of the universe and other minds. Their scientists and scholars scour all of known space for knowledge, and plumb the unknowable boundaries of the mental realm for esoteric secrets. Their warriors and spies stand guard against the many jealous powers arrayed against them, as well as the hidden threats that their search for wisdom may uncover. The Commonality seeks greater understanding of the universe and other minds. Their scientists and scholars scour all of known space for knowledge, and plumb the unknowable boundaries of the mental realm for esoteric secrets. Their warriors and spies stand guard against the many jealous powers arrayed against them, as well as the hidden threats that their search for wisdom may uncover.
-===== Commonality ​Culture ​=====+===== Commonality ​Topics ​=====
-The Commonality's culture is focused towards their ongoing quest for understanding,​ enlightenment and interconnectedness. The acquisition and sharing of knowledge, and a spiritual communion with the universe are the highest goals of their society. As such, they place great merit on those who seek to understand the universe, and who guide others towards similar understanding. Scientists, researchers,​ diplomats, psions, teachers and guides are afforded high status in Commonality ​society, but anyone who shows a desire to understand more of the universe will be accorded respect. ​Commonality ​culture is geared towards discovery and the promotion of interconnectedness,​ and they expect all of their people to share those goals. Other elements of their society are designed to support those who seek enlightenment,​ whether that means protecting, farming, building or piloting spaceships ​individuals are encouraged to use their chosen vocation as a way of communing with the universe, by navigating the void of stars, cultivating a bond with the living world, or developing a perfect symbiosis with one's tools.+  * [[Commonality ​Culture|Culture & Customs]] 
 +  * [[Commonality ​Philosophy|Philosophy & Beliefs]] 
 +  * [[Commonality ​Systems|Prominent Star Systems]] 
 +  * [[Commonality Look & Feel|Look & Feel]] 
 +  * Dominant Species ​[[Elysians]] 
 +  * [[Commonality Vassal Species|Vassal Species]] 
 +    * [[Commonality Vassal Species#​Boreans]] 
 +    * [[Commonality Vassal Species#​Lithos]] 
 +    * [[Commonality Vassal Species#​Reskans]] 
 +  * [[Commonality Attitudes|Attitudes]]
-In order to create a framework in which beings are free to seek enlightenment,​ a civilisation must have structures to meet the basic needs of its people. Food must be grown, buildings maintained and order maintained. The Commonality encourages all its people to seek enlightenment and knowledge, but also to contribute to society'​s survival and prosperity. The Commonality does not overtly order its people to perform useful work, but engineers social and moralistic pressure so that individuals gravitate towards roles that contribute to society. Those who resist these pressures are encouraged to seek guidance from the Judges who ostensibly coordinate and rule the Commonality. Judges, who are invariably powerful Elysian psions) are given considerable reign to intervene and "​correct"​ situations that conflict with the Commonality'​s overall precepts and goals. Overall society affords considerable respect and leeway towards Judges, who recruit new members under their own authority, and also discipline wayward Judges internally. Some groups of Commonality vassals rankle at that they see as a "​closed group" of Elysian Judges ruling over them, but there is rarely any scope for accusing the Judges of acting unfairly or against the best interests of the Commonality. Individuals (both Elysians and vassal species) who persistently cause trouble and disrupt the lives of others may be removed by the Judges for re-education (often thought to be delivered by means of intensive psionic surgery). 
-The Elysian Commonality aspires to be a civilisation of the mind, dedicated to finding the truths of the universe, and in protecting and guiding those who aspire to do the same. The Elysians have acted on numerous occasions to safeguard and incorporate sophont species who they judge to be "​worthy"​ - often those who show a propensity for philosophy, a connection with nature or similar. However, the abstract philosophy of the Commonality can chafe with some individuals,​ and its esoteric conceptualisations can seem superfluous in a dangerous galaxy. The interference of Elysian judges can appear patronising and condescending when the solutions they offer appear pointless, or fail to take into account the feelings and motivations of the people dealing with the problem on the ground. The official belief of the Commonality is that the path of enlightenment and Interconnectedness is the only way for a species to truly reach its potential, and civilisations who are guided by faith, freedom or the will to power are merely holding themselves and their people in stasis. Those who cling to these false values are children playing in sandpits, who are oblivious to the truth of the vast universe around them. This can manifest in a haughty and arrogant attitude towards other Factions, which has caused numerous diplomatic problems in the past. 
-Commonality culture is strongly concerned with personal enlightenment through meditation and focused ritual activities that hone the mind and body. In order to promote a sense of community, Commonality members gather at prescribed times and perform ritualistic meditation and other activities, usually in or near a psionically active location. These activities can take the form of practiced movement sequences similar to yoga or tai-chi, group rituals, meditation guided by a powerful psion or lilting music accompanied by dance. At events, the Voice will usually call Commonality members together at set times to participate,​ and then discuss what has been happening since the last meeting. Commonality members who eschew these activities will be seen as strange, and falling behind in their quest for enlightenment. They are likely to be treated with concern by other members. If they wilfully refuse to attend on repeated occasions, then they may be actively shunned and are likely to lose Status. This also applies to client species, who the Elysians believe require assistance to enlighten themselves. 
-===== Dominant Species - Elysian ===== 
-Elysians are humanoids, distinguished by their pointed or webbed ear-tips, unblemished skin and psionically active features. Although most Elysians have similar variation in skin colour to humans, some have a pale and washed out tone (This look can be accomplished with foundation or makeup). Their skin also appears to be partially translucent,​ and dark veins can be seen running close to the surface. Elysians are thought to have plant-like elements in their genetic structure, and have some ability to derive nutrients directly from their environment. 
-Many Elysians possess psionic abilities, which express themselves physically – more powerfully psionic Elysians tend to acquire markings on their bodies or hair that glow in a psionically active area, and may be visible the rest of the time. Often this effect occurs in the iris of the eye, or on tattoo-like markings on the skin (which are said to be shaped by the psyche of each individual Elysian). This effect can be achieved with UV-reactive contact lenses or makeup. 
-==== Advantages ==== 
-Elysians have 1 locational hit and a death count of 200. All Elysians are Psions, and have 2 psi points. Elysians also have access to the greatest variety of psionic abilities in all of known space, and may purchase powers from the Manipulation,​ Coercion, Psychosomatics and Etherics trees. 
-Elysians are able to use their network of psionically engineered trees to open stable wormholes across vast distances. These portals can only be used by Elysians and other species who have been psionically altered in specific ways. 
-===== Inspirations ===== 
-Taelons (Earth: Final Conflict), Eldar & Tau (Warhammer 40k), Na’vi (Avatar), High Elves (Lord of the Rings), Romulans (Star Trek), Minbari (Babylon 5) 
-===== Costume ===== 
-The culture of the Commonality places value on being connected with the world and with nature, and remaining flexible to its demands on the individual - an outlook that strongly influences their clothing. Commonality members, and Elysians in particular, tend to dress in loose, flowing garments that are pale in colour – light pastels, creams and greys are common. Their overall costume usually takes the form of a number of these flowing garments layered over each other, sometimes with a tighter, form-fitting garment underneath. Warmer gear will usually incorporate more layers, or warm shawls and wraps. 
-Commonality adornments (and also technology) share stylistic elements with natural forms where possible. A wealthy citizen might wear a circlet of twisting branches studded with gems, or a silvered bracer decorated with branching, swirling patterns. Psions are likely to incorporate psionically active materials into their clothing - which glow in the presence of psionic auras (physrepped by UV light sources). Solid costume elements and armour usually appear to be make from bone-like bioplastics,​ wood or gemstones. Bioplastic or wooden elements are usually designed with gently curved lines and smooth surfaces rather than blocky elements or sharp angles. Complex, fractal, branching patterns are often used as design motifs, as are elements like spirals, leaves and trees. 
-Technological devices, weapons and armour also use these materials and follow a similar style, with curved lines, natural colours and smooth, organic-looking surfaces. They eschew metals in their technology where possible, often using pale, bone-coloured bioplastics or shaped wood in its place. They also incorporate crystals and gemstones into their technology and attire – these serve a decorative, and in some cases practical purpose, as power storage matrices, buttons or focusing devices. The working components of tech are usually concealed behind smooth panels. Metal parts are acceptable, but should be kept to detailing and small components. Additionally,​ due to the prevalence of psi powers in Elysian society, much of their equipment can be decorated with UV-reactive paint or dyes – UV light is the in-game marker for psionically active areas. 
-See [[https://​​conan3994/​commonality-inspiration/​|this Pinterest board]] for an overall impression of the intended look and feel of the Elysian Commonality. ​ 
-===== Faction Attitudes ===== 
-==== Commonality Vassals ==== 
-Those who we have chosen to protect have, by their nature, a great potential to walk along the road to enlightenment. They must be closely guided and directed, as they suffer from misconceptions and attitudes that must be pruned on the way. We are all fragments of a whole, and their perspectives will aid us all to step into the future together. However, their limited and faceted nature means that they must be closely supervised on their journey. It is our duty as shepherds and protectors. 
-==== Ascendancy ==== 
-The Ascendancy is a civilisation built on fear. Their culture calcified in a period of terror at its own impending doom, and that has never changed. Their entire system is geared towards maintaining control, and extinguishing or hiding that which cannot be controlled. This runs counter to everything that an intelligent being should strive for - the Ascendancy enslaves its people to ignorance, terror and directionless toil. Their subjects should be pitied, and their rulers despised. 
-==== Dominion ==== 
-It is a surprise that a civilisation so enamoured of imaginary deities has come so far and become a potent force. Their faith/​philosophy is interesting,​ and worthy of study to see how it motivates this driven people, but it is inherently of little worth. The Dominion is strong, but distant from us, and has access to parts of the galaxy we do not. Proper ideas may sway them in time, and their prominent priest class may be open to more correct methods of thinking if given the proper encouragement. 
-==== Free Union ==== 
-Their intent seems noble, but their methods are too chaotic and unconstrained to achieve much. They serve as a useful foil against the Ascendancy, but the humans who dominate the Free Union are too close-minded to be worth the effort to bring into the fold, at least in their current form. They can be dealt with reasonably, and are worth cultivating connections with. 
-===== Commonality Philosophy ===== 
-The philosophy that underpins the Commonality stems from the Elysian'​s drive towards enlightenment and interconnectedness with nature. It holds the following precepts to be true; 
-  *     At the beginning of time, all was one - concentrated at an infinitely complex point. This was perfection and divinity. 
-  *     ​Division broke this perfection, and the universe coalesced. Matter, however, maintains a love for itself, and the physical laws allow for structure and complexity to form. 
-  *     All things, given time, energy and space, move towards a state of interconnectedness and unity that creates complexity. 
-  *     ​Interconnectedness gives rise first to Life, and then to Mind, and then Will, and ultimately to Understanding. 
-  *     ​Through will and understanding we can stay the ravenous hand of entropy, and re-unite the cosmos. 
-Elysians revere the natural world, which they see as a source of complexity and abundance. They seek to link with and understand nature, and physical laws, and gain a sense of oneness with the cosmos. In their philosophy, perfection existed as a state at the beginning of the universe, and that their goal is to return to that state. Elysian psionic abilities are seen as an extension of physics, and of the natural inclination of Matter and Life to seek connection with itself. Other species can gain a portion of this understanding,​ and work towards a state of complexity, where they can aid in the grand task of uniting all that is into a perfect whole. ​ 
-The major antagonist in the Elysian paradigm is the forces of Entropy and disunity. In their eyes, those who embrace ignorance and subjugate others for power are the petty servants of Entropy, so the Elysians seek potential vassal races that they can bring into their Commonality and gradually enlighten. They seek meaning in all things, and try to promote deeper comprehension of oneself and one's environment. ​ 
-The Commonality are not airy mystics - one of the main tools that they use to promote understanding is their sciences - they hope to understand the physical laws of the universe, determine which ones are the hand of Entropy at work, and avoid them. Their psionic powers are another element of this, and are seen as allowing the interconnection of independent minds for brief moments. Nature itself, in its increasing complexity, offers opportunities to observe more esoteric physical laws at work, and thus gain understanding of them and conquer them. 
 {{tag>​faction commonality elysian}} {{tag>​faction commonality elysian}}
commonality.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/13 16:32 (external edit)