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free_union [2018/01/02 19:01]
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free_union [2018/06/25 18:16]
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 ====== Free Union of Sovereign Worlds ====== ====== Free Union of Sovereign Worlds ======
-//Freedom is hard-won, but harder still to hold on to. The Free Union of Sovereign Worlds came together to defend themselves in the midst of a brutal war between our distant authoritarian rulers and a relentless aggressor, and have been fighting to keep that freedom ever since. In throwing off the yoke of the Ascendancy and earning the respect of the Dominion in battle, the Sovereign Worlds became the most recent of the four Factions to come into being.//+[{{ :​image:​free_union:​hermes_gunner_e1.jpg?​300|Free Traders, rebels and renegades gather in the Free Union and band together for mutual protection}}]//Freedom is hard-won, but harder still to hold on to. The Free Union of Sovereign Worlds came together to defend themselves in the midst of a brutal war between our distant authoritarian rulers and a relentless aggressor, and have been fighting to keep that freedom ever since. In throwing off the yoke of the Ascendancy and earning the respect of the Dominion in battle, the Sovereign Worlds became the most recent of the four Factions to come into being.//
 The Sovereign Worlds lie distant to Sol and Terra, and encompass some of the most recently founded human colonies, as well as a host of other sophont species. The only thing that unites them is their commitment to self-government,​ and the cooperation that that commitment requires of them. Each member world has a representative in the Union Council on Concord, where the messy business of democracy and compromise takes place. The Free Union holds together more by the threat of conquest than any other factor, as the other Factions will likely exploit a world that tries to strike out completely alone. The Sovereign Worlds lie distant to Sol and Terra, and encompass some of the most recently founded human colonies, as well as a host of other sophont species. The only thing that unites them is their commitment to self-government,​ and the cooperation that that commitment requires of them. Each member world has a representative in the Union Council on Concord, where the messy business of democracy and compromise takes place. The Free Union holds together more by the threat of conquest than any other factor, as the other Factions will likely exploit a world that tries to strike out completely alone.
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 The citizens of the Free Union are a diverse bunch. Although the majority of the population is human, there is a whole host of alien sophonts who live and work amongst them. The anarchic spirit that permeates the Union, though it is often a source of internal friction, also has its benefits. The Free Union of Sovereign Worlds has produced technological and social developments,​ and fostered MegaCorps that would have taken far longer to become established in more ordered and restrictive cultures. The citizens of the Free Union are a diverse bunch. Although the majority of the population is human, there is a whole host of alien sophonts who live and work amongst them. The anarchic spirit that permeates the Union, though it is often a source of internal friction, also has its benefits. The Free Union of Sovereign Worlds has produced technological and social developments,​ and fostered MegaCorps that would have taken far longer to become established in more ordered and restrictive cultures.
-===== Free Union Culture ​=====+===== Free Union Topics ​=====
-The Free Union of Sovereign Worlds was formed as recently as 3370 PT, and although it has survived for nearly five centuries, is still considered to be an upstart, barely coherent Faction ​ by outsiders. In the lead-up to the formation of the Free Union, first contact with the Tulaki had occurred, and their invasion fleets were pushing deep into Ascendancy space. The Terrans had withdrawn much of their forces closer to the Sol and Trappist systems, which left the relatively new human colonies at the fringe of Ascendancy control operating virtually without support or oversight, under threat from Tulaki scouts and Elysian infiltrators,​ and retaining only nominal authority over dozens of alien vassal worlds. Without the threat of the Terran Navy backing Ascendancy authority and culture, their influence waned and alternative ideals gained prominence. After almost a century of being ignored and under threat, a group of 51 isolated human colonies turned to diplomacy ​ to survive. In the spirit of desperation as well as cooperation,​ the Free Union was agreed as a compact between the 51 colonies and their vassals, to grant relative equality, representation,​ freedom and independence within an overarching confederation. The new polity swiftly press-ganged independant ship crews into service and fought a guerilla resistance against the oncoming Dominion fleets. ​ +  * [[Free Union Society|Society]] 
- +  * [[Free Union Culture|Culture & Customs]] 
-By the time the Dominion advance was blunted, the Free Union had built up enough military force to prevent its re-annexation by the Ascendancy, and a new Faction was born. In the centuries since its formation, the Free Union has expanded outwards, establishing new colonies as well as discovering new ones created by the great wave of Terran sleeper ships. They have brought many new alien species into their confederacy,​ swayed by the promise of an equal voice at the table. +  * [[Free Union Leadership|Leadership]] 
- +  * [[Free Union Systems|Prominent Star Systems]] 
-Life on Free Union worlds is highly dependant on the situation on your individual planet. There is little oversight or applied cultural pressure on any one world from the Faction authorities. Some worlds are capitalist democracies,​ while others are feudal monarchies or authoritarian hives. Overall, there is a tendency towards egalitarianism and representation,​ and most worlds use some kind of voting by the majority of citizens - either for representatives or directly. Many aliens preserve their own individual cultures, older Terran colonies lean more towards blood-minded independance,​ and newer discovered colonies may retain some of the trappings and attitudes of Pre-Fall Terra. ​ +  * [[Free Union Look & Feel|Look & Feel]] 
- +  ​* ​Dominant Species - [[Free Union Terrans]] 
-In play, the Free Union has the fewest "​cultural requirements"​ of all the factions. Representatives of each group are expected to meet fairly regularly and keep each other relatively well-informed,​ but there is no real obligation to do so. A representative from the Union acts as a liaison between those present and the Free Union assembly, as well as having a mediation role between groups in dispute. Free Union "​vassals"​ actually enjoy pretty much equal status in their Faction, but are usually perceived as being subservient to the humans by other factions. The Free Union as a whole does lean towards egalitarianism and collective decision-making,​ but not in a structured fashion across the civilisation. Individual teams or groups are free to develop their own internal structures. +  * [[Free Union Vassal Species|Vassal Species]] 
- +    * [[Free Union Vassal Species#​Etherna]] 
-===== Dominant Species - Terran ===== +    * [[Free Union Vassal Species#​Gardeners]] 
- +    * [[Free Union Vassal Species#​Ikunkuma]] 
-Although politically the equals of their alien vassals, the majority of the Free Union's population are human. Descendants of those who fled Terra in a desperate rush for survival, they survived on a plethora of blindly-established and radically different colony worlds. The Terrans ​of the Free Union are diverse in their genetics and attitudes, but universally committed to their independance and dogged frontier spirit. +    * [[Free Union Vassal Species#​Yelk]] 
- +  ​* ​[[Free Union Attitudes|Attitudes]]
-==== Advantages ==== +
- +
-Free Union Terrans have 2 locational hits and a death count of 200. +
- +
-The Free Union has no rule advantages, although they offer more freedom for creating diverse character concepts and have fewer cultural restrictions and requirements than the other Factions. +
- +
-===== Inspirations ===== +
- +
-Rebel Alliance (Star Wars); Frontier Worlds/ Browncloaks (Firefly/​Serenity);​ Early Federation (Star Trek); Tau Empire (Warhammer 40,000); Belters (The Expanse) +
- +
-===== Costume ===== +
- +
-Fashion and culture in the Free Union is extremely varied, as it has been influenced by the various species that comprise it as well as whatever trends are prominent at the current time. There is a tendency in the Free Union to remain distinguishable from the austere culture of the Ascendancy, as it formed as a breakaway from that faction. Often this tendency expresses itself as deliberately embracing flamboyant, colourful and impractical attire, but resource scarcity and impracticality frequently makes these fashions out of the reach of the ordinary citizen. As the Free Union operates at the fringes of human space, it contains the greatest number of young colonies from Terra’s pre-cataclysm period, and the sleeper ships that seeded them actually held what is now the most complete archive of pre-Imperial human cultural history. Currently, the Free Union is enamoured by what cultural fragments remain from the 19th-21st centuries on Terra. +
- +
-General everyday clothing has little uniformity, and even military uniforms can vary a lot between different groups. Although the styles seen in the Free Union are Wide-ranging,​ there is a general tendency towards loose, tough and “simple” clothing. Many tend towards a “frontier” look with breathable cotton layers, denim and oiled textile or leather coats. The wealthier fashionistas of the Union have currently embraced a retro trend that combines elements of Victorian and interwar garb with more modern and even futuristic elements (t-shirts and wearable tech being some examples, though not steampunk). Aliens in the Free Union are free to wear their own cultures'​ clothing or Terran fashions. +
- +
-With its greater proportion of young colonies and alien worlds, ​Free Union tech is often jury-rigged from spare parts or repurposed from other devices, and has a cobbled together look. Panelling may be painted in different colours, and wiring might be visible (but if you are using electronics be sure that no components carrying a charge are exposed, for safety reasons). Resource scarcity could lead to bodged repair jobs, with components bolted together or even duct-taped - this sort of rough-and-ready look is very appropriate for more frontier-focused Free Union characters. +
- +
-See [[https://​​conan3994/​free-union-inspiration/​|this Pinterest board]] for an overall impression of the intended look and feel of the Free Union of Sovereign Worlds.  +
- +
-===== Faction Attitudes ===== +
- +
-==== Free Union Vassals ==== +
- +
-Our diversity makes us stronger. Non-Terran citizens of the Free Union are treated as equals to the Terrans. Although some societal prejudice and xenophobia does exist, it is the exception rather than the rule. Among spacefarers,​ who regularly encounter aliens, xenophobia is rare. +
- +
-==== Ascendancy ==== +
- +
-The crushing authoritarianism of the Ascendancy is an affront to the dignity of their citizens. The Free Union was fortunate to be able to escape their grasp, but they are still one of the most powerful entities in Known Space, and must be, if not respected, at least feared. Individual Terrans might be honourable and useful, but beware that an Ascendancy friend might be ordered to betray you at any time. +
- +
-==== Dominion ==== +
- +
-Honourable and driven, but their strange religion and drive towards total competitiveness can make them unpredictable and dangerous. The Dominion as a whole does seem to have a certain respect for the people of the Free Union, but wars have broken out between the two factions on multiple occasions in the past 500 years. Their traders are generally fairly reliable as long as you don't provoke them into a "​challenge"​. +
- +
-==== Commonality ==== +
- +
-Too patronising by far. The strange powers of the Elysians make dealing with the Commonality a risk. However, they seem to prefer dealing with the Free Union over the Ascendancy, and do seem willing to assist and trade with Free Union colonies from time to time. They seem to have an interest in what explorers can discover in space most distant to their own, and place a high value on such knowledge.+
 {{tag>​terran faction free_union}} {{tag>​terran faction free_union}}
free_union.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/13 16:32 (external edit)