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Incheon Serpent Venom

Venom extracted from the Incheon Serpent has mild hallucinogenic properties and amplifies signals sent to the brain, increasing sensitivity. It is of great use to both Commonality psions and Ascendancy discipline trainers for the potent effects it has on emotions.



OOC Game Information

Incheon Serpent Venom is a type of Exotic Biotic - an Exotic Substance related to Life Science. A physrep of a vial of dark-coloured liquid can be used to represent a few measures of this substance, but particularly large physreps can hold more.

When applied to a character, a measure of Incheon Serpent Venom makes roleplay effects that affect them more potent. Whenever they experience a roleplay effect, they experience it far more strongly than normal.

As with all Exotic Substances, a character with at least 1 rank in the relevant speciality (Life Science in this case) can spend 1 minute of appropriate roleplaying to apply 1 measure of Incheon Serpent Venom to a character. After this roleplaying, they should unpeel the sticker that represents this substance, stick it to the target's character sheet and record the current date on it.

The boost provided by this substance wears off at time-in the following day.

incheon_serpent_venom.1524666018.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/13 16:30 (external edit)