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Libran Rift

The Libran Rift is a vast gap between the Orion and Saggitarius Arms of the Milky Way galaxy. It extends outwards between these two Spiral Arms to the edge of the galaxy. The Libran Rift is the trailing counterpart of the more coreward Gulf of Cetus, broken by the area of increase matter density around the Saggital Bridge Sector.

The Libran Rift in actuality extends further towards the Saggital Bridge Sector than its designated sectors. The Libran Strand, Gateway, Belt and Bleak Sectors all have a portion of the Libran Rift running through them, but their relatively populated and explored nature has led them to be designated as non-rift sectors. The Libran Rift proper is vast and empty, with diffuse clouds of gas and dust stretching for hundreds of light years with no stars to interrupt them. Amongst the emptiness lie lonely white dwarf stars, a few solar systems hidden by the dust clouds and rogue planets tumbling through the dark void.


The Libran Rift is vast, and extends far beyond known space towards the galactic edge. The parts of it close enough to inhabited space have been divided into sectors. As with all rifts, Libran Rift sectors are distinguished with a letter in the ancient Terran Greek alphabet, increasing with their distance from the Sol System. The Rift has had five sectors designated from it at this time.

Libra Alpha Sector

Position: 4x, -1y
Faction Presence: None
Systems of Note:

Libra Beta Sector

Position: 4x, 1y
Faction Presence: None
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Libra Gamma Sector

Position: 5x, -1y
Faction Presence: None
Systems of Note:

Libra Delta Sector

Position: 5x, 1y
Faction Presence: None
Systems of Note:

Libra Epsilon Sector

Position: 5x, 2y
Faction Presence: None
Systems of Note:

sector/libran_rift.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/13 16:37 (external edit)