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Great Perseus Rift

The Great Perseus Rift is a low matter-density gulf between the Orion and Perseus Arms of the Milky Way galaxy. The vast majority of the Rift is empty space with the occasional diffuse cloud of cold gas and dust, peppered with dead or dying stars tens of light years apart. There are some larger clusters of more dense material, some of which have formed into thin contiguous ribbons of matter due to galactic spin and poorly understood macrogravity effects. The majority of the Great Perseus Rift in the Orion Sphere is completely unexplored - too distant to any factional territory to have seen any official surveying.

Parts of the leading side of the Rift have seen some development by the Commonality, whose core territory lies on the Rift's coreward edge. The Elysians have made some progress building colonies and logistical bases along some of the denser matter ribbons - features which they call the Empyrean Roots. The apparent goal of the Elysians in these expansions is to bridge the rift to the Perseus Arm, and be the first to open up that titanic frontier of space towards the galactic rim.


The Great Perseus Rift is vast, and extends far beyond known space from the glaactic core to its outer rim. The parts of it close enough to inhabited space have been divided into sectors. As with all rifts, Perseus Rift sectors are distinguished with a letter in the ancient Terran Greek alphabet, increasing with their distance from the Sol System. The Rift has had six sectors designated from it at this time.

Perseus Rift Alpha Sector

Position: 1x, -4y
Faction Presence: None
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Perseus Rift Beta Sector

Position: -1x, -4y
Faction Presence: None
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Perseus Rift Gamma Sector

Position: -2x, -3y
Faction Presence: Commonality
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Perseus Rift Delta Sector

Position: -2x, -4y
Faction Presence: None
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Perseus Rift Epsilon Sector

Position: -5x, -3y
Faction Presence: Commonality
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Perseus Rift Zeta Sector

Position: -5x, -4y
Faction Presence: Commonality
Systems of Note:

sector/perseus_rift.1522842013.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/13 16:32 (external edit)