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New Horizon-Alpha

Location: Saggital Bridge Sector
Claimed by: Breaker Transgalactic

The New-Horizon Alpha system lies in unclaimed space in its sector. This relatively lawless region has been mostly avoided for the past few centuries due to the presence of pirates and the area being a bit of a backwater. Renewed interest in exploring the Saggitarius Arm in recent years has encouraged more development of the sector, and in 3802 PT the colony development conglomerate Breaker Transgalactic negotiated a purchase agreement with nearby Factional powers to investigate developing the system. They have moved in some fairly rudimentary orbital facilities and have recently announced development of a planned spaceport and refueling operation serving the whole sector.

NH-Alpha Star

Type: Main Sequence
Radius: 1.01 Standard
Mass: 1.02 Standard
Black-body Temperature: 5780K

Orbiting Bodies

NH-Alpha I

Type: Molten World

Orbiting at about 0.3 AU from the star, NH-Alpha I is a roughly Terra-sized world that is constantly bombarded with powerful solar winds. It has no atmosphere and is tidally locked, with one side constantly facing the star. About 60% of the surface is molten, and the rest of the planet is wracked by regular earthquakes due to core upwelling on its continental masses. It is mostly composed of silica, iron and copper.

NH-Alpha II

Type: Barren World

This relatively small planet and its two smaller moons orbit at about 0.7 AU. The planet is rocky and lifeless, and covered with impact craters from early in the system's history. It does receive a reasonable amount of solar energy, however, and has been earmarked as a potential location for developing solar harvesting facilities.

NH-Alpha III

Type: Toxic World
Class Sulphurous

A small planet orbiting at 1.1 AU, NH-Alpha III has a crushingly dense atmosphere of nitrogen and sulphur compounds. The majority of the planet is covered with an acidic sea wracked by frequent storms. It is orbited by one moon which does have a thin breathable atmosphere (although with high concentrations of carbon dioxide requiring filtration to breathe). This moon has been seeded with oxygen-producing bacteria and may be habitable within a few centuries.

NH-Alpha IV

Type: Habitable World
Class: Terraformed

A small planet, about 0.75 Terran radius and at 1.3 AU from its star, NH-Alpha IV was terraformed by human Terraforming Probes about 300 standard years ago. Probe records that have been recovered indicate that the terraforming process was particularly violent, and caused considerable upheaval. This planet did have a pre-existing biosphere, likely altered by terran mutagenic compounds and viruses. However, the planet's biomes has been relatively stable for the past 80 years or so since monitoring began. In recent years, the planet's ecosystem has been undergoing a transition, with non-Terran life elements making a resurgence.

This planet was home to a sentient species, as underground ruins that survived the terraforming process have been located by deep-core scans.

The planet has a single, barren moon that exerts fairly straightforward tidal forces. Breaker Transgalactic have developed low-g facilities on the moon for the assistance of visiting spacecraft. It serves as a storage dump for hydrogen collected from NH-Alpha V.

NH-Alpha V

Type: Gas Giant

NH-Alpha V is a large hydrogen giant orbiting at 10 AU. Its outer atmosphere is relatively diffuse hydrogen, and contains a reasonable quantity of He-3 used in fusion reactors. Orbital facilities should be capable of extracting profitable amounts of hydrogen fuel from the giant's atmosphere.

NH-Alpha V is orbited by about 40 moons of various sizes. Most are insignificant, barren rocks, although three do hold reserves of rare metals and compounds.

NH-Alpha V-A

A large moon with a thin atmosphere that contains a high percentage of gaseous nitrogen tetroxide and carbon dioxide. It is rich in transuranic elements and contains deposits of a number of exotic substances in its atmosphere and geosphere. The planet does have some rudimentary native plant life that keeps its atmospheric mix fairly constant. It is possible to embark on the planet with the aid of a powerful atmospheric filtration system or an environment suit with a reserve of air.

NH-Alpha V-F

Reasonably large cold moon with a thin breathable atmosphere. Although large portions of the moon are covered with ice, it does have a rudimentary biome and some rocky outcrops from the inner core. Internal heat is maintained by tidal forces from NH-Alpha V and some rocky moons with nearby orbits. Some surveying has been done on this moon, and it is being looked into as a suitable site for some planetary facilities near the harvesting stations to be installed around the gas giant.

NH-Alpha V-AB

A small, barren moon with no atmosphere. Automated astronomical surveys have noted the presence of strangely regular markings on its surface, in both blocky and linear patterns. The low utility and lack of any notable resources have prevented any closer exploration of the moon, although some scientists with an interest in surveying have been petitioning Breaker Transgalactic for permission to gather more information.

NH-Alpha VI

Type: Ice Giant

This planet is an ammonia ice giant on an elliptical orbit between 25 and 42 AU, which allows it to gravitationally brush against the systems outer comet cloud. NH-Alpha VI is surrounded by a cloud of ice and rock debris, which occasionally break orbit due to offgassing at they approach the nearer part of its orbit. These asteroids present a hazard to developing permanent facilities in the system, as meteorite strikes are relatively common. Approaching NH-Alpha VI itself is dangerous, the cloud of moons and asteroids that surround it, and their constant colliding and breaking apart make it dangerous for ships to get too close without significant shielding.

system/new_horizon-alpha.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/05 01:16 by conan