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Location: America Sector
Claimed by: Ascendancy

Mezcal Star

Type: Main Sequence
Radius: 0.83 Standard
Mass: 0.74 Standard
Black-body Temperature: 4500K

Orbiting Bodies

Mezcal has an uncharacteristically debris-clear outer stellar system.

Mezcal I

Type: Barren World

Mezcal II

Type: Barren World

Mezcal III

Type: Toxic World
Class: Sulphuric Acid

Mezcal IV

Type: Toxic World

Mezcal V

Type: Habitable

Mezcal VI

Type: Gas Giant - 90K km radius
Large Class III ice giant. Its substantial gravity field has pulled in most of the material that would have otherwise formed outer planets. Mezcal VI is orbited by eight moons of various sizes and composition.

Mezcal VII

Type: Ice Giant - 90K km radius
Extremely large ice giant. Its substantial gravity field has pulled in most of the material that would have otherwise formed outer planets. Mezcal VI is orbited by fifteen moons of various sizes and composition.

system/mezcal.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/05 01:15 by conan