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Multiphasic Bosons

Multiphasic Bosons are subatomic particles that appear to phase in and out of our reality across short periods of time. When properly treated, it is possible to synchronise this phasing by applying energy across them. Substances coated with multiphasic bosons incorporated into a carrier wave can be temporarily phased out of reality, allowing them to bypass defences.




OOC Game Information

Multiphasic Bosons are a type of Exotic Particle - an Exotic Substance related to Etheric Science. A physrep of some kind of energy containment device can be used to represent up to 10 measures of this substance, but particularly large physreps can hold more.

A measure of Multiphasic Bosons can be applied to any Weapon that can hold Charges. Applying a measure of this substance to such a device will temporary allow it to spend its Charges to strike for the THROUGH call. If you are carrying a weapon enhanced by this substance, you may spend 1 Charge to strike for a single THROUGH call.

As with all Exotic Substances, a character with at least 1 rank in the relevant speciality (Etheric Science in this case) can spend 1 minute of appropriate roleplaying to apply 1 measure of Multiphasic Bosons to an item. After this roleplaying, they should unpeel the sticker that represents this substance, stick it to the lammie of the item being powered-up, and record the current date and time on it.

The boost provided by this substance wears off 2 hours after the time recorded on the sticker.

multiphasic_bosons.1565711746.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/13 16:55 by