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Buy Tickets

Adult tickets for our 2022 events cost £85, which will increase to £100 after the early booking deadline for each event. Child tickets range from £5-20. There are only 150 player tickets for each 2022 event, so we would encourage you to buy soon to avoid disappointment. Please take a look at the Terms & Conditions of Orion Sphere LRP events prior to booking. £5 from every Adult Ticket goes directly to the fine folks at the UK Starship Bridge Simulator, which is used to maintain and improve the Bridge Simulators and other technological stuff we have at events.

You don't need to enter your character or group details immediately, that can be done later using the forms we have set up - details of which can be found here - Information Forms. You will need a Player ID number to create a new character, which we will send to you after you buy a ticket for the first time.

Meal Tickets are also available to buy on this page, below the Event Tickets section.

You can pay either by PayPal (below) or by Bank Transfer. If you would prefer to pay by Bank Transfer, please send us an email with your name, ticket preferences and any other info at

If you have a ticket for a cancelled 2020 event and wish to use it for an upcoming event, please select the “Redeem 2020 Ticket” option in the pulldown menus for each event - or just Contact Us via email or Facebook message to let us know you want to redeem your ticket. Tickets for cancelled 2020 events will continue to roll over until they are used. You can also transfer a 2020 ticket to another person for them to use - if you wish to do so then please Contact Us.

Covid-19 Policy

Due to the continuing risks posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, we are putting in place a number of restrictions for our 2022 events.


  • Once you arrive at an event, all attendees aged 12 or older must present either Proof of Vaccination or a negative Lateral Flow Test to a volunteer or the Game Team as soon as you arrive on site.
  • If you are showing symptoms of Covid-19 or think you have the virus, then please do not attend - if you Contact Us before Time In on the Friday of the event then your ticket will be rolled over to a future event.
  • Attendees are strongly encouraged to wear protective face masks, particularly in indoor environments or in tents in the In-character area.
  • The restrictions described above are the minimum you can expect at our events - depending on the severity of the pandemic closer to the events we may have to impose additional restrictions. If this happens we will be updating everyone via our Facebook Page.

Event Tickets

Use the dropdown menus below to indicate the type of ticket you need.

  • If you are a Returning Player, please enter your Player ID number in the box
  • If you are a New Player, then please enter your Email address in the box.
  • Note that any Child Tickets must indicate a Responsible Adult who is also attending.
  • You can view your cart with the following button -

Event 6 Tickets

Event 6 will now take place on the 15th-17th of July 2022 at Consall Scout Camp in Staffordshire. Early booking ends 6th of June.

Ticket Type
Player ID / Email Address
Responsible Adult (If needed)

Event 7 Tickets

Event 7 takes place on the 16th-18th of September 2021 at Cranham Scout Centre near Gloucester. Early booking ends 5th of August.

Ticket Type
Player ID / Email Address
Responsible Adult (If needed)

Meal Tickets

Catering at Events 6 & 7 will be provided by Conspiracy Catering, who have an excellent reputation from other LRP events. They will be providing hot meals to meal ticket holders as well as hot drinks and squash for anyone. Meal Tickets for both events are £32.50 - this includes hot meals on the Friday night and Saturday lunchtime, a roast dinner on Saturday night, cooked breakfasts on Saturday and Sunday mornings, and filled sandwiches on Sunday afternoon. Menus will be released closer to each event.

You can buy a meal ticket for either event using the Paypal button below. If you have any special dietary requirements, please let us know using the box below when you order. Meal tickets must be purchased at least 2 weeks before the event.

Meal Ticket Options
Dietary Requirements
Your Player ID / Email Address


We are always looking for crew for our events - if you're interested in crewing, please Contact Us, either by emailing of contacting us via our Facebook page. We have a range of jobs to make the event awesome for everyone, and there are opportunities to take on roles as monsters, Referees, NPCs and other event support crew.

As part of the collaborative ethos of Orion Sphere, we are also interested in ideas and stories that you are interested in telling as part of the game, and we intend to involve crew members in creating and fleshing out some of the plot for the event and the wider setting.

Any Problems?

If you run into any problems with booking, want to cancel, or add catering later on, please contact us at

tickets.1653595026.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/26 20:57 by conan