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Elysian Psionic Paths

The Elysians are the most well-known psionic species in the Orion Sphere, and have the most advanced psionic culture. They have made extensive study of their mental abilities, and developed to an extent that other species would take centuries of focused study to reach.

Elysian psionic powers manifest in one of three main areas: forcing their will upon and manipulating other minds; focusing their mental power through specialised crystal and organic technology; and using their minds to impose direct control over mental and biological phenomena. These areas form the three Root Paths of Elysian Psionics.

Root Paths


A disciple of Coercion can hold a mind in thrall with a glance

Coercion is the path of forcing a stronger will upon another mind. It allows the psion to hold another's mind in thrall, and later to issue it commands that compel the target to act. The Path of Coercion grants access to branch paths dealing with the more subtle arts of emotion and mind control.

Rank 1 - Mesmerism

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: MESMERIZE Call

Mesmerism is the basic technique that allows the wielder to grasp hold of another mind and hold it insensate as long as concentration and proximity is maintained. By spending 1 psi point, you can call MESMERIZE to a single target who is facing you within 10 metres.

Rank 2 - Suggestion

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: Implants a minor suggestion roleplaying effect until the end of the event. Show-me lammie.

Spend 1 Psi Point and tell the target your suggestion while showing them your power lammie. This power can induce minor suggestions such as “you dislike Captain Oates”, “the colour red annoys you”, “we are friends”. The suggestion takes 30 seconds to implant, is a roleplaying effect and lasts until the end of the event. The victim has no memory of this power being used or being mesmerized.

Rank 3 - Pied Piper

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: Forces a mesmerized target to follow you. Show-me lammie.

Spend 1 Psi Point to compel someone you have Mesmerized to follow you at a slow walking pace for as long as you take no offensive or complex action. They may take no other action than slowly following, and will follow simple commands from you such as stop moving or resume moving. This power is most commonly used to bring mesmerized victims into a psionic aura for more complex powers to be used on them.

Rank 4 - Triggered Order

Cost: 2 Psi Points
Effect: Implants an order with a trigger phrase that can be activated later. Show-me lammie. Requires Psionic Aura.

Spend 2 Psi Points and give the mesmerized target a Psionic Condition card with a trigger condition and associated order. This power takes 1 minute to implant, after which the target takes the card and has no memory of being mesmerized or other psi powers being used on them. Once the target's trigger condition has been met, they must immediately attempt to execute the associated order for 10 minutes to the best of their ability, after which the effect of the power ends. If the target fully completes the order the power also ends. The target will have no memory of the time after being triggered until the power ends. Once the order has been triggered and carried out, the target should hand the Psionic Condition card to a referee at the earliest convenience. Triggered Orders last for 3 events or until triggered.

Rank 5 - Psionic Command

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: Show-me lammie.

Spend 1 psi point, display your show-me lammie to a Mesmerized target and issue a single sentence as a command. The target must attempt to the best of their ability to obey your command, either until it has been completed or 10 minutes have elapsed. Using this power takes only a few seconds.

Rank 6 - Coercion Summit

Obtaining rank 6 in Coercion grants 1 additional Psi Point.

Psionic Resonance

Rank 1 - Transfer Will

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: The target gains 1 Psi Point or 1 Will Point. Show-me lammie.

This power allows a psion to fortify the mental strength of another. It can be used to transfer power to other psions who have used some of their mental energy. After spending 1 Psi Point The target gains 1 Psi Point or 1 Will Point (their choice), but cannot go over their normal maximum. Using this power takes only a few seconds.

Rank 2 - Crystal Reintegration

Cost: 1-2 Psi Points
Effect: Repairs a ruined item with a Crystal Mod.

This power taps into the unique properties of psi crystal technology to allow them to self-repair. By spending 1 Psi Point and five seconds of roleplayed action you can restore an item with any Psi Crystal Mod that has been damaged with a SUNDER call. Alternatively, by spending 2 Psi Points and 1 minute of roleplayed action you can fully repair a device with any Psi Crystal Mod that has become Broken.

Rank 3 - Far Communion

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: Sends a short (13-word) message to a named person. Requires Psionic Aura and a Ref.

This power allows the psion to briefly connect with the thread-like network of psionic energy that underlies the universe and send a short message to another mind. While in a psionic aura, you can perform a short meditative rite and spend 1 psi point to send a short (13-word) message to a named person. Write your message on a piece of paper and hand it to a referee. The message will eventually get to your target, but it may take several hours to get to them, and there is no guarantee of success or reply. Unless the target is a psion or aware that they might be communicated with in this way the message is likely to be ignored.

Rank 4 - Resonance Attunement

Cost: 2 Psi Points
Effect: Gives vague impressions about major past happenings in your surroundings. Psionic Ritual. Requires a Referee.

Using this power, a psion can attune themselves with a location and gain an understanding of past events that occurred there. Using this power requires 1 minute of meditative roleplay, and spending 2 psi points. The referee will then give a short (and vague) brief about the lingering psionic resonance in the immediate vicinity. This could provide useful information or hidden clues, or could be entirely useless. Using this power in the common area at main events is unlikely to produce any useful information, as the resonance traces are too scattered and chaotic due to the large number of happenings taking place. This power is mostly useful at smaller events or on missions.

Rank 5 - Weave Crystal

Cost: 5 Psi Points
Effect: Creates a Psi Crystal. Cooperative power. Psionic Ritual. Requires psionic aura and a ref.

This power allows psions to crystallize mental energy into a physical, crystalline form - a Psi Crystal. By collectively spending 5 psi points and 5 minutes of roleplayed action in a psionic aura, a psion or group of psions with this power can create the conditions for a psi crystal to form in a glass container. The ref overseeing the rite will retrieve a random psi crystal lammie and place it in the glass container, as long as it is still in the psionic aura at that point. Removing the container before the crystal forms will cause this power to fail. Psi crystals can be further empowered and used in certain devices and psi rituals.

Knowledge of this power also gives access to the Psi Crystal mods, allowing psi crystals to be integrated into existing technology. If you have the Engineer Skill and this power, you may choose Psi Crystal Mods as some of your known Mods.

Rank 6 - Psionic Resonance Summit

Obtaining rank 6 in Psionic Resonance grants 1 additional Psi Point.


Rank 1 - Slow Bleed

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: Resets a dying target's Death Count to 0.

Using this power, a psion can slow the panic responses of a dying body, slowing the circulatory system and staving off death for a time. The psion spends 1 Psi Point and informs the target character that their Death Count has been reset to 0. This power only takes a few seconds to use. You cannot use this power on yourself.

Rank 2 - Psychosomatic Healing

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: Target regains 1 hit on all locations. Requires Psionic Aura.

The psion taps into the power of a psionic aura to supercharge another injured character's natural healing processes. With 10 seconds of roleplayed action, the psion spends 1 Psi Point and restores 1 lost body hit on all the target's locations (characters with Global Body Hits regain 3 hits).

Rank 3 - Wound Transfer

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: Transfer 1 lost hit from a target to yourself.

This power allows a psion to absorb the somatic pattern of a wound from another and into their own body. The psion pays 1 Psi Point and loses 1 body hit on any location to instantly restore 1 hit to the same location (or 1 of the target's Global body hits) on another character character. This power only takes a few seconds to use.

Rank 4 - Forced Regrowth

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: Target regains 1 hit on a single location.

With greater knowledge of the mind's influence on the body, the psion can force the body of another character to focus all of its attention on healing and self-repair, even without a psionic aura. By spending 1 Psi point and performing 1 minute of roleplayed ritual action, the psion can restore 1 lost body hit on a single location.

Rank 5 - Psychosomatic Restoration

Cost: 2 Psi Points
Effect: Ends a target's Death Count so that they are no longer Dying.

With penultimate mastery of mind-body interactions, a psion can induce a body to heal even the most lethal of injuries. With this power, you can spend 2 Psi Points and perform 1 minute of roleplayed ritual action to end a dying character's Death Count - they are no longer dying. Additionally, when you purchase this power you may also now use all Psychosomatics powers on yourself.

Rank 6 - Psychosomatics Summit

Obtaining rank 6 in Psychosomatics grants 1 additional Psi Point.

Branch Paths


Requires Coercion 1

Endopathoi is one of the two disciplines of emotional control open to initiates of Coercion. Endopathoi deals with the “inward emotions”, the feelings that manifest within in response to stimuli - Disgust, Sadness, Surprise and Fear. These feelings tend towards paralysis or give pause to action. As with Exopathoi, the emotions that this power can induce in others varies by strength. Beginners on the path can only cause weak feelings such as mild apprehension or boredom, while masters can induce powerful terror or profound grief. As a psion gains mastery of this path, they learn to induce stronger emotions, and to project them to greater distances or affect many targets at once. The four emotions that this power effects, and their strengths, are listed on the following table:

Weak Emotion Boredom Pensiveness Distraction Apprehension
Normal Emotion Disgust Sadness Surprise Fear
Strong Emotion Loathing Grief Amazement Terror

When you use an Endopathoi power, you must choose one of the four types of emotion to induce. Weaker emotions tend to last longer than stronger ones, and stronger ones require a greater degree of mastery to project.

Rank 1 - Endopathos Ebb

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: IMBUE Call

By spending 1 Psi Point, the psion can call IMBUE (Weak Emotion) (10 minutes) to a target that they have already Mesmerized.

Rank 2 - Endopathos Flow

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: IMBUE Call

With the Flow power, the psion can induce stronger emotions, or project weak emotions to a greater distance. You can spend 1 Psi point to call IMBUE (Normal Emotion) (10 minutes) on a target you have mesmerized. You can also spend 1 Psi point to call IMBUE (Weak Emotion) (10 minutes) on any target up to 10 metres away.

Rank 3 - Endopathos Wave

Cost: 1-2 Psi Points
Effect: IMBUE Call

With this power, the psion can project a wave of weak emotion to a greater number of people, or concentrate it into more powerful emotions on a single target.

  • You can spend 1 Psi point to call IMBUE (Strong Emotion) (5 minutes) on a target you have mesmerized.
  • You can spend 2 Psi points to call IMBUE (Normal Emotion) (10 minutes) on any target up to 10 metres away.
  • You can spend 2 Psi points to call MASS IMBUE (Weak Emotion) (10 minutes)

Rank 4 - Endopathos Tide

Cost: 2-3 Psi Points
Effect: IMBUE Call

With this power, the psion empowers their abilities with even stronger Endopathoi emotions.

  • You can spend 2 Psi points to call IMBUE (Strong Emotion) (5 minutes) on any target up to 10 metres away.
  • You can spend 3 Psi points to call MASS IMBUE (Standard Emotion) (10 minutes)

Rank 5 - Endopathos Flood

Cost: 3 Psi Points for Mass call
Effect: MASS IMBUE (Loathing/Grief/Amazement/Terror) Call

With mastery of the inward-focused emotions, the psion can induce feelings of utter hatred, profound grief, paralysing terror or stunned amazement in a large crowd of people. By spending 3 Psi Points, the psion can call MASS IMBUE (Loathing/Grief/Amazement/Terror) (5 Minutes).

Rank 6 - Endopathoi Summit

Obtaining rank 6 in Endopathoi grants 1 additional Psi Point.


Requires Coercion 1

Exopathoi is one of the two disciplines of emotional control open to initiates of Coercion. Exopathoi deals with the “outward emotions”, the feelings that flow outward and spur a person to act - Anger, Anticipation, Joy and Trust. These feelings tend towards action and often impetuousness, particularly when manifested strongly. As with Endopathoi, the emotions that this power can induce in others varies by strength. Beginners on the path can only cause weak feelings such as annoyance, while masters can induce terrible rage or utter ecstacy. As a psion gains mastery of this path, they learn to induce stronger emotions, and to project them to greater distances or affect many targets at once. The four emotions that this power effects, and their strengths, are listed on the following table:

Weak Emotion Annoyance Interest Serenity Acceptance
Emotion Anger Anticipation Joy Trust
Strong Emotion Rage Vigilance Ecstacy Admiration

When you use an Exopathoi power, you must choose one of the four types of emotion to induce. Weaker emotions tend to last longer than stronger ones, and stronger ones require a greater degree of mastery to project.

Rank 1 - Exopathos Breeze

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: IMBUE Call

By spending 1 Psi Point, the psion can call IMBUE (Weak Emotion) (10 minutes) to a target that they have already Mesmerized.

Rank 2 - Exopathos Wind

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: IMBUE Call

With this power, the psion can induce stronger emotions, or project weak emotions to a greater distance. You can spend 1 Psi point to call EFFECT (Normal Emotion) (10 minutes) on a target you have mesmerized. You can also spend 1 Psi point to call IMBUE (Weak Emotion) (10 minutes) on any target up to 10 metres away.

Rank 3 - Exopathos Gale

Cost: 1-2 Psi Points
Effect: IMBUE Call

With this power, the psion can project a wave of weak emotion to a greater number of people, or concentrate it into more powerful emotions on a single target.

  • You can spend 1 Psi point to call IMBUE (Strong Emotion) (5 minutes) on a target you have mesmerized.
  • You can spend 2 Psi points to call IMBUE (Normal Emotion) (10 minutes) on any target up to 10 metres away.
  • You can spend 2 Psi points to call MASS IMBUE (Weak Emotion) (10 minutes)

Rank 4 - Exopathos Storm

Cost: 2-3 Psi Points
Effect: IMBUE Call

With this power, the psion empowers their abilities with even stronger Exopathos emotions.

  • You can spend 2 Psi points to call IMBUE (Strong Emotion) (5 minutes) on any target up to 10 metres away.
  • You can spend 3 Psi points to call MASS IMBUE (Standard Emotion) (10 minutes)

Rank 5 - Exopathos Tempest

Cost: 3 Psi Points for Mass call
Effect: MASS IMBUE (Rage/Vigilance/Ecstacy/Admiration) Call

With mastery of the outward-focused emotions, the psion can generate a swirling maelstrom of powerful emotion in those nearby - feelings of incoherent rage, paranoid vigilance, numbing esctasy or blind admiration. By spending 3 Psi Points, the psion can call MASS IMBUE (Rage/Vigilance/Ecstacy/Admiration) (5 Minutes).

Rank 6 - Exopathoi Summit

Obtaining rank 6 in Endopathoi grants 1 additional Psi Point.


Requires Coercion 4

The path of Mnemomorphosis deals with the subtle arts of telepathic manipulation - the re-writing of memory itself. A master of this path can make profound changes to the minds of others, even re-writing their fundamental identities. Mnemomorphosis techniques are difficult and delicate, and most require a Psionic Aura in order to be performed.

Rank 1 - Excise Memory

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: The willing target forgets a single memory. Show-me lammie power. Requires a Psionic Aura.

The most basic power of this path is to wipe clean a memory that a willing mind has brought to the forefront of their consciousness. The psion must commune with the target character in a short rite for at least 1 minute, during which the character must describe the event, person or place they wish to forget. When the communion is complete, the memory will be gone forever, wiped from the character's mind. This power leaves no trace that can be detected and the memory is gone forever, never to be called back. A character cannot be forced to be a “willing target” via minor roleplaying effects such as the Suggestion power.

Rank 2 - Deep Suggestion

Cost: 2 Psi Points
Effect: Inflicts a Psionic Condition. Requires a Psionic Aura.

This power is similar to the Coercion power Suggestion, but its effects last considerably longer. The psion spends 2 Psi Points and performs 1 minute of roleplayed ritual action in a Psionic Aura. This inflicts the target character with Psionic Condition, with a suggestion on it, such as “you dislike being told what to do” or “you think your partner is stealing from you”. The Condition lasts until it is removed. The victim has no memory of this power being used or being mesmerized.

Rank 3 - Mindwipe

Cost: 2 Psi Points
Effect: Target mesmerized character forgets everything that happened in the past hour, leaving a short-lived Psionic Condition.

A much more forceful and brutal version of Excise Memory, this power uses raw psionic force to destroy the contents of the mesmerized character's short-term memory. The psion spends 2 Psi points and gives the target a Mindwipe Psionic Condition card - this specifies that they forget everything that happened an hour before the power is used, as well as the use of the power itself and its immediate aftermath. The target is aware of their lack of recent memories. The Psionic Condition card is retained for the rest of the day (so it will show up to Psi Traces), but after that even the trace of this power fades. It is thought that this power is often used to erase the memory of events leading up to a person's abduction and psionic surgery.

Rank 4 - Sleeper Agent

Cost: 4 Psi Points
Effect: Inflicts a Psionic Condition. Cooperative Power. Requires a Psionic Aura

This power implants a deeply-rooted trigger into the targets psyche, which can be invoked to make them enter pliable fugue state at a later point in time. To implant the trigger, those involved must spend 4 psi points between them, and roleplay focused ceremonial activities around the target for at least 5 minutes, which must be fully spent within a Psionic Aura. After this point, the target receives a Psionic Condition describing the Sleeper Agent effect, which must record a trigger word or phrase. If the target hears the trigger word or phrase then this power is activated, and the target enters a fugue state where they obey all orders from the source of the trigger phrase for 10 minutes, and have no memory of this time. This power lasts for 3 events, but can be reinforced to extend its duration by applying the power again before it expires.

Rank 5 - Psionic Surgery

Cost: 3+ Psi Points
Effect: Inflicts a Psionic Condition. Psionic Ritual. Cooperative Power. Requires a Psionic Aura and a Referee.

The greatest mastery of the Mnemomorphosis path allows a psion to alter parts of another’s psyche. The psion can describe 1 change to the target character's mind, memory or personality for every Psi Point they spend. As with all Psionic powers that alter the nature of a character, the users of this power must be particularly aware of suggesting changes that may breach our Code of Conduct. The following effects are all potential uses of this power.

  • Memory alterations, such as:
    • With 1 Psi Point, eliminate the memory of a single event, person, place or thing.
    • With 1 Psi Point, eliminate the memory of the recent time period - anything from a few minutes to the entire current day.
    • With 1 Psi Point, change the remembered details of a single event, person, place or thing.
    • With 1 Psi Point, prevent the target retaining any memories until 10 minutes after they are no longer mesmerized.
  • Altering the target’s personality, such as:
    • With 1 Psi Point, suppress or enhance a single aspect of the target’s personality, such as their love for another, their loyalty to their group, make them more or less courageous, etc.
    • With 1 or more Psi Points, instil a wholly new personality trait - fear of insects, ambition towards a specific thing, etc. the number of points spent will depend on how strong or broad a new trait is, as determined by the Referee.
    • Personality Alterations run a higher risk of causing Psionic Dissonance than other uses of this power.
  • Creating or removing Roleplay Effects:
    • With 1 Psi Point, suppress a mental roleplay effect for the remainder of the day.
    • With 1 Psi Point, create a mental roleplay effect that lasts until the end of the event - this is usually framed similar to a Suggestion, “you feel X” or “you feel X about Y”.
    • With 1 Psi Point, alter an existing roleplay effect, by changing it slightly, or increasing or decreasing its potency.
  • Adding or removing some Character Skills (requires the target’s OOC permission)
    • Only Weapons Training, Profession Skills and Psionic Skills can be affected by this power. Other Combat Skills, Reputations, Spaceflight Skills and other Species skills such as Discipline and Devotion reflect aspects of a character that are outside the scope of this power.
    • Each Psi Point spent allows the target to “unspend” up to three Character Points worth of Skills.
    • Each Psi Point spent allows the target to purchase up to three Character Points worth of Skills.
  • Curing or causing Psionic Conditions (inflicting or removing some Conditions may be challenging and require a Card Draw Action).
    • For simple Psionic Conditions, spending 1 Psi Point can remove it easily.
    • For removing more complex Psionic Conditions, or inflicting a Condition, a Card Draw is required. The participating Psions may spend 1 Psi Point to receive 1 additional Green Card at the start of the attempt (minimum 1).
    • Curing an identified psionic Condition
    • Inflicting the target with a psionic Condition known to one of this Power’s users (they must know the name and Condition ID number of the Condition to be applied).
  • Modifying the effects of the Psionic Surgery ritual:
    • With 1 Psi Point, they can implant a trigger word or phrase to undo some or all of the changes caused by this Power.
    • With 1 Psi Point, they can hold some of the changes in suspense until a trigger word or phrase is heard by the target.

Other changes are theoretically possible, but require the presence of a Referee who will determine whether or not they are feasible and the Psi Point cost.

Every Psi Point spent requires the participants to roleplay focused ceremonial activities around the target for at least 1 minute per Psi Point spent, and the entire use of this power must take place within a Psionic Aura. Multiple psions with this power can collaborate to contribute the total number of Psi Points required, as long as all of them are involved in the roleplaying.

Additionally, a psion with this power can perform any Mnemomorphosis or Coercion power in such a way that it conceals the details of the power. Although the power's presence can be detected, no details about it can be discerned. Concealing the effects of the power in this way increases its Cost by 2 Psi Points, and always requires a Psionic Aura to be present, even if the power being concealed would not normally require one.

Rank 6 - Mnemomorphosis Summit

Obtaining rank 6 in Mnemomorphosis grants 1 additional Psi Point.

Resonant Vitality

Requires Psionic Resonance 1

This path attunes an Elysian psion more closely with the web of resonant mental energy that the Commonality believes interconnects all life - particularly plant life and their network of Nexus Trees

Rank 1 - Dendrimago

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: Allows the psion to blend with a large tree, becoming impossible to detect.

Spend 1 psi point while in contact with large tree (at least 2-foot thick trunk) to blend with it visually and physically. You may place your hand in the air to indicate that you are out of character, although you are aware of what is happening around you. This power lasts as long as you keep your hand in the air and remain in bodily contact with the tree, but breaks as soon as you are no longer in contact with the tree, and you must pay the cost again to re-activate this power. This ability allows Elysians to use their plant-based nature to camouflage themselves in the forested areas which are their preferred habitats.

Rank 2 - Rite of Opening

Cost: 1+ Psi Points, depending on distance to target location.
Effect: Opens a wormhole between two Nexus Trees at some point later in the event. Must be performed at a Nexus Tree. Psionic Ritual. Cooperative Power. Requires a Referee.

This power opens wormhole-like psionic portals using Elysian Nexus Trees as anchor points. The cost of the power in psi points may vary, but characters with this power may check how many psi points are required by attuning with the tree for a few moments (ask a referee and they will attempt to get back to you with an answer). Opening the portal requires attuning to the tree for 5 minutes while the psi points are spent. Multiple characters with this ability may collaborate to spend more psi points so that they may reach more distant destinations. Not all trees may be accessible at all times due to drifts in the psionic currents that connect them. Once the ritual has been performed, the portal will open at some point later during the event (once you have notified games ops of the use of this power, we will hopefully be able to find a clear slot for you to use the portal). Only Elysians and those who have had their minds altered by the Rite of Attunement power are able to use these portals.

Rank 3 - Rite of Harmony

Cost: 1 Psi Point per participant
Effect: Grants the participants a vision. Requires a Psionic Aura. Psionic Ritual. Cooperative Power. Requires a Ref.

This rite harmonises the minds of the participants with the wider universe, creating a connection through which wisdom and knowledge can flow. Anyone with any psionic potential (at least 1 Psi Point) can participate in a Rite of Harmony, but the rite must be led by at least one character with this power. Only characters with this power can contribute Psi Points towards the cost, but multiple characters with this power can cooperate to share the cost, which is 1 Psi Point per participant. The rite requires 10 minutes of roleplayed ritual action, after which all participants will receive a prophetic vision. Using this power requires a Ref.

Rank 4 - Rite of Attunement

Cost: 3 Psi Points
Effect: Inflicts a Psionic Condition that allows a character to use Nexus Tree wormholes and Psi Crystals. Requires the presence of a Nexus Tree with an active Psionic Aura. Psionic Ritual. Cooperative Power.

This power allows a group of psions with it to attune the mind and body of another to the resonant web of energy that connects Nexus Trees together and forms Psi Crystals. The participants must spend at least 5 minute performing ritual roleplaying around the target, and spending 3 Psi Points between them. On the completion of the rite, the target character acquires a Psionic Condition that attunes them with Nexus Trees and Psi Crystals, allowing them to use their powers and traverse wormholes created with the Rite of Opening.

Rank 5 - Rite of Recovery

Cost: 1 Psi Point per participant
Effect: All participants regain 3 spent Psi Points. Requires the presence of a Nexus Tree with an active Psionic Aura. Psionic Ritual. Cooperative Power.

This rite opens the resonant network of energy flowing through the Nexus Trees and allows its power to flood the minds of the participants, recharging their stores of psionic energy. Anyone with any psionic potential (at least 1 Psi Point) can participate in a Rite of Recovery, but the rite must be led by at least one character with this power. Only characters with this power can contribute Psi Points towards the cost, but multiple characters with this power can cooperate to share the cost, which is 1 Psi Point per participant. The rite requires 10 minutes of roleplayed ritual action, after which all participants regain 3 spent Psi Points. Any character participating in this rite receives a roleplay effect for 10 minutes “you feel a powerful and euphoric sense of connectedness with all other living things”, and cannot participate in another Rite of Recovery for at least 1 hour.

A Psion with this power is highly attuned with the Nexus itself, and can passively draw power from it in smaller amounts to slowly recharge their own reserves of Psionic energy. A character with this power may regain 1 spent Psi Point for every 15 minutes spent within the Psionic Aura of a Nexus Tree - this ability does not require them to actively use any power or perform any roleplaying other than being close to a Nexus Tree.

Rank 6 - Resonant Vitality Summit

Obtaining rank 6 in Resonant Vitality grants 1 additional Psi Point.

Resonant Blade

Requires Psionic Resonance 2

This path attunes the psion's mind to weapons modified with a Psi Crystal Matrix, allowing them to deliver devastating melee strikes. An adept of this path can use their mental energies to ruin enemy weapons, tear through armour and deliver lethal blows. Psions on this path typically use swords and other one-handed bladed weapons, although adepts using large glaives and similar hafted weapons are not unknown.

Rank 1 - Ethereal Blade

Cost: 1 psi point
Effect: Strike for THROUGH using a melee weapon with the Psi Crystal Weave Mod.

Rank 2 - Forceful Blade

Cost: 1 psi point
Effect: Strike for STRIKE using a melee weapon with the Psi Crystal Weave Mod.

Rank 3 - Ruinous Blade

Cost: 2 psi points
Effect: Strike for SUNDER using a melee weapon with the Psi Crystal Weave Mod.

Rank 4 - Annihilating Blade

Cost: 2 psi points
Effect: Strike for REND using a melee weapon with the Psi Crystal Weave Mod.

Rank 5 - Murderous Blade

Cost: 2 psi points
Effect: Strike for LETHAL using a melee weapon with the Psi Crystal Weave Mod.

Rank 6 - Resonant Blade Summit

Obtaining rank 6 in Resonant Blade grants 1 additional Psi Point.


Requires Psychosomatics 3

Psychirosi powers attune a psion with their own bodily functions, allowing them to use their mind to exert fine control over their autonomic processes. Adepts of this Path can use their mental engeries to fortify their bodies, survive hostile environments and shrug off stun bolts as if they were nothing.

Rank 1 - Vigour

Cost: 2 psi points
Effect: Gain 1 Body Hit for 2 hours. Requires Psionic Aura. Psionic Ritual.

The first technique on this path is to use the power of a psionic aura to temporarily toughen your own body tissues. By roleplaying meditation for at least 1 minute in a Psionic Aura and spending 2 psi points, the psion gains 1 Body hit on each of their locations above their maximum value - this becomes their new maximum body hits, until the power runs out after 2 hours. Note that this power does not heal someone who is injured - if a location has lost any hits when this power is applied, then the number of hits remaining on that location does not increase (although they can be healed up to the new higher value).

Rank 2 - Autonomic Filtration

Cost: 2 psi points
Effect: Gain a Psionic Condition that imparts some resistance to toxins and radiation for 1 day. Requires Psionic Aura. Psionic Ritual.

By learning to control the movement of their blood around the body, the psion can prioritise expulsion of dangerous substances before they can build up enough to cause harm. By spending 2 psi points and roleplaying meditation for 1 minute while in a Psionic Aura, the psion acquires a Psionic Condition that offers some protection from toxins, radiation, poisons and the like for the remainder of the day. This will usually increase the time it takes for the toxin to affect you or progress to subsequent stages.

Rank 3 - Suspend Life

Cost: 1 psi point
Effect: In a surgery or other Card Draw that inflicts a Condition on you, you may draw twice and choose the one that affects you.

Once this power is learned, you can psionically shield your own vital functions to avoid certain types of traumatic damage (such as Emergency teleportation or surgery) - if you have 1 psi point left when offered a Condition Card or Surgery Card Draw (such as from a Physician performing surgery on you), you may spend it to draw twice and pick one of the two. You must decide to use this power before drawing the card.

Rank 4 - Body Realignment

Cost: 1 psi point
Effect: Reduce the duration of FREEZE or KNOCKOUT effects that hit you by 30 seconds.

With this power, the psion has obtained mastery over their neural pathways, and is able to re-route harmful energy into tissues where it has less of an effect. You can spend 1 psi point to reduce the duration of FREEZE or KNOCKOUT effects by 30 seconds. Limit 1 per incoming effect.

Rank 5 - Harden Flesh

Cost: 2 psi points
Effect: Harden your flesh into 1 point of Armour for a day. Psionic Ritual. Requires Psionic Aura.

By spending 2 psi points and roleplaying meditation for 1 minute in a Psionic Aura, a psion with this power gains 1 Armour Hit for the rest of the day as their epidermis hardens into a highly resilient bioplastic-like substance. This armour cannot be repaired normally, but can be fully restored by spending 1 minute roleplayed meditation in a Psionic Aura.

Rank 6 - Psychirosi Summit

Obtaining rank 6 in Psychirosi grants 1 additional Psi Point.


Requires Psychosomatics 2

Empathosomatics expands upon the healing powers of Psychosomatics, extending the discipline to allow for the healing and calming of other minds, and gaining knowledge about psionic effects that have been applied to them.

Rank 1 - Sensing the Web

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: Show-me lammie power.

This power identifies victims of other psions. Spend 1 psi point and concentrate on a target for 10 seconds. If they are under the effect of any lingering psionic effects (which may or may not have effect cards) then they must indicate this to you, without going into further detail.

Rank 2 - Calm the Storm

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: Show-me lammie power.

The psion can send calming mental patterns into the troubled minds of others to grant them a brief period of clarity and perspective. By concentrating briefly on a target and spending 1 psi point, you suppress any roleplay effects affecting them for ten minutes.

Rank 3 - Psionic Analysis

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: Show-me lammie power. Requires Psionic Aura.

Spend 1 psi point and concentrate on a target for at least 30 seconds, showing them the power lammie. After this initial 30 seconds they must detail any suggestions or similar effect they are under, and show you any Psionic Conditions they have, which you may consult for as long as you maintain close contact with them. This power allows for the detailed identification of any psionic alterations, suggestions and other effects.

Some psionic effects and conditions may be Concealed - in which case you cannot discern the details, but can at least determine that they are present.

Rank 4 - Absorb Psionics

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: Transfers a Psionic Condition from another character to you. Show-me lammie power.

This power allows an adept to take on the burden of a psionic effect from another willing character. By paying 1 Psi point and performing at least 30 seconds of roleplayed communing, you can take a single psionic effect card or psionic condition from a willing target to yourself.

Rank 5 - Empty Mind

Cost: 5 Psi Points
Effect: Inflicts a Psionic Condition that suppresses all other roleplay effects for the rest of the day. Cooperative Power. Psionic Ritual.

This rather heavy-handed technique seeds a pattern of calm emotion into another mind, which overrides the hosts normal neural patterns and responses to stimuli. By performing at least 2 minutes of roleplayed ritual action and spending 5 psi points, a psion or group of psions with this power can implant a Psionic Condition in the target, which suppresses their emotions as well as any roleplay effects for the remainder of the day.

Rank 6 - Empathosomatics Summit

Obtaining rank 6 in Empathosomatics grants 1 additional Psi Point.

elysian_psionic_paths.1691762488.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/08/11 15:01 by conan