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Felani Psionic Paths

All members of the Felani species project a subtle psionic field that induces a waking rest state in other sophonts. Affecting both the conscious mind and physical body, their natural aura gently influences the mind’s sleep centres, which has wide and profound connections to other functions of the brain and mind. With training, Felani Psions can learn to strengthen, focus and alter this psionic field to influence others in many delicate and understated ways.

Root Path

Aura Development

Aura Development is the first stage of awakening the Felani’s latent psionic abilities. By focusing on the energy they protect, the Psion can imbue it with additional mental energy to strengthen the calming effect of the field and improve its healing properties. As the Psion is manipulating their constantly active natural aura, the effects of these powers are quite long lasting and efficient in mental energy.

Rank 1 - Bolstered Aura

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: Enhances the character’s Latent Psionic Healing for 1 hour.

By spending 1 Psi Point, the Psion improves their Latent Psionic Healing ability so that it heals 2 Body Hits every 10 minutes instead of one on all of the characters affected. This enhanced ability lasts for 1 hour.

By channeling psionic energy into their calming aura, the Psion improves its efficacy. In those being treated by the Psion, their unconscious mental processes are hyper-charged, activating their body’s entire array of repair and maintenance functions. Precise neural impulses direct cells and resources, open & close blood vessels with precision timing, and improve organ function in kidney and liver-analogues.

Rank 2 - Emotion Aura

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: Adds a calming Psionic IMBUE effect to the characters Latent Psionic Healing aura.

By spending 1 Psi Point, the psion can enhance their Latent Psionic Healing ability’s calming effect for 1 hour. While this power is active, the psion can call IMBUE (Calm) (10 Minutes) at no additional cost to any of the 5 people that they are “treating” with their Latent Psionic Healing. This power grants access to the Aura Dynamics Branch Path.

By focusing on the active emotional effect of their aura rather than the underlying effect on the body, the psion can focus waves of relaxing, calming emotions on those they are assisting. By quickly “checking in” with their charges, the psion can focus their aura briefly on them, overriding feelings of anxiety and fear with a calming presence.

Rank 3 - Bounded Aura

Cost: No additional cost
Effect: The psion can designate an area, which as long as they remain within halves the healing time of their Latent Psionic Healing. Psionic Ritual.

To use this power, the psion designates a 10 metre diameter area, and must then spend at least 10 minutes of roleplayed action ritually interacting with the newly defined area. Once this has been completed, as long as the psion remains within this area, their healing aura works faster, reducing the amount of time required to heal Body Hits from 10 minutes to 5 minutes. This power ends immediately if the psion leaves the designated area (except for OOC reasons such as needing the bathroom or going OOC to get food). This power grants access to the Aura Echoing Branch Path.

Now able to perceive the waves of psionic power that they emit, the Psion is able to create a psionic boundary around an area that reflects their aura’s energy back inwards, reinforcing it and enhancing its effect. The act of defining the bounded area is often highly personalised - some psions perform a series of flowing body movements, others dance or walk the bounds of the area, others use mantras, talismans or other trinkets to “mound up” the psionic topography of the area, creating a metaphorical pool of rippling, calming “water” for their aura to fill. The waves of psionic energy emitted by the psion are contained within the bounded area, reflecting and amplifying each other. The boundary is quite fragile, and draws its structure from the energy it contains - removing the source causes it to rapidly collapse.

Rank 4 - Focusing Aura

Cost: None
Effect: Other characters leading a Card Draw Action while being “treated” by the Psion gain +1 Green Card. Simultaneous treatment limit increases to 10 in a Bounded area.

With this power, when the Psion is “treating” one other character who is the Lead Character in a Card Draw Action, that character gains +1 Green Card to their deck. While within a Bounded area, the psion can also now treat up to 10 characters at once, subject to the usual restrictions - this increased limit applies to any other Felani Psionic abilities that are linked to characters being “treated”.

By honing the calming effect of their aura into one that also improves concentration and attentiveness, the psion can psionically assist others who are performing complex and demanding tasks, making them less likely to make mistakes and get a good result.

Rank 5 - Numbing Aura

Cost: 1 Psi Point (or 0 in a Bounded area)
Effect: The psion can enhance their Latent Psionic Healing to suppress pain from Conditions.

By spending 1 Psi Point, the Psion can enhance their aura with a powerful analgesic effect, suppressing pain in those they treat. When this power is active, all characters being treated by the Psion who have a Condition may ignore any pain from roleplay effects on that Condition. Affected characters are still aware of the source of the pain, they just no longer need to incorporate it into their roleplay. This power lasts for 1 hour after being invoked, but may be invoked for no cost if the Psion is in their Bounded area (with this power ending on leaving the Bounded area). The Psion can also now invoke the Rank 2 Emotion Aura power at no cost.

Now a master of their healing aura, the psion can manipulate the calming effect to directly affect their patient’s neurological signalling, suppressing and muting pain signals and creating sleep-like analgesia in a waking mind. They now exude a calm and disarming demeanour effortlessly, bringing ease to others with a simple word or a smile.

Rank 6 - Aura Development Summit

Obtaining rank 6 in Aura Development grants 1 additional Psi Point.

Branch Paths

Aura Dynamics

  • Requires Aura Development Rank 2

Once they have mastered how to strengthen the emotional component of their healing aura, a Felani Psion can begin to alter their projected psionic field to create different emotions in those it affects. Although their aura lacks the raw strength of Elysian telepathic projection, the Felani’s innate psionic field allows for more subtle effects to be delivered much more efficiently and for a longer duration.

Rank 1 - Rousing Aura

Cost: As Emotion Aura
Effect: The psion can imbue their Emotion Aura with different emotions

The Psion’s Emotion Aura (Rank 2 Aura Development power) can be charged with different emotions than the standard Calm effect - Joy, Curiosity or Acceptance. The Psion must choose which one will apply when they invoke the Emotion Aura, and must use the same emotion for the duration of that use of the power.

Subtly altering the characteristics of their innate aura, the Psion can project a range of different emotions in those they influence. These emotions are initially similar to the baseline calming effect of the Felani innate aura, but can be stretched further with additional training.

Rank 2 - Channelled Aura

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: IMBUE (X) (10 Minutes) call.

The Psion’s can now focus their aura to flood over a single target within 10 metres, calling IMBUE (X) (10 Minutes). The emotions allowed (X) are any of the emotions that the Psion could apply to their Emotion Aura. If the Psion's Emotion Aura power is currently active, then the emotion Called must match that of the current Emotion Aura.

The Psion can channel the entire strength of their Emotion Aura to wash over a single nearby target, affecting them instantly with the desired emotion, willing or not.

Rank 3 - Versatile Aura

Cost: As Emotion Aura (Emotion Aura use), 1-2 Psi Points (Focusing Aura use)
Effect: The psion can imbue their Emotion Aura with an even wider range of emotions.

The Psion’s Emotion Aura (Rank 2 Aura Development power) can be charged with additional different emotions - Annoyance, Worry/Apprehension, Trust or Anticipation. The Psion must choose which one will apply when they invoke the Emotion Aura, and must use the same emotion for the duration of that use of the power. If the Psion has the Rank 4 Aura Development power Focusing Aura they may now spend Psi to allow a character affected by that power to redraw Yellow cards for 1 Psi Point or Red Cards for 2 Psi Points. The original cards drawn are returned to the deck and another card is drawn to replace them - this power cannot be used on the second attempt of a given draw.

Now a master of the subtle arts of emotional manipulation, the Psion has a tremendous range of emotions that they can project using their Aura. For Psions who know the Focusing Aura power, this additional versatility also allows the Psion to induce a flow state in those they work with, activating hidden reserves of talent buried in their unconscious minds.

Rank 4 - Alchemical Aura

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: The psion can use their aura to Treat some Conditions as if with a Medicament.

By spending 1 Psi Point and 10 minutes of roleplayed action, the Psion can duplicate the effect of single dose of one of the following Medicaments:

  • Cellular Rebalance
  • Radiation Nanosponges
  • Molecular Anti-Toxin
  • Wide-Spectrum Antibiotics
  • Bloodfire Antivirals
  • Medi-Stasis Antidote

Once the roleplayed action is complete, the dose is considered to have been applied to the target character, which cannot be the Psion. If the target character would require a Medicament to have a specific Exotic Substance to be applied to work on them, then it is considered to have been applied.

By manipulating the subject’s deep neurobiology, the Psion can induce a patient’s lymphatic system analogue to produce beneficial chemicals, duplicating the effects of many common drugs or medicines. This is most useful in the treatment of certain Conditions, especially when they are life-threatening and supplies of the required Medicaments cannot be found.

Rank 5 - Fortifying Aura

Cost: 1 Psi Point
Effect: IMBUE (X) (1 Hour), plus an ability to RESIST certain other roleplay effects.

By spending 1 Psi Point, the Psion can call IMBUE (X) (1 Hour) on another character that they have been treating for at least 10 minutes prior to this power’s use. The target characters are also surrounded by a protective field of psionic energy that allows them to RESIST roleplay effects of opposing emotions for 1 Hour (as long as the initial IMBUE call). The emotions and resistances are as follows:

  • IMBUE Calm - RESISTS any Fear or Anger type effects.
  • IMBUE Curiosity - RESISTS any Apathy, Disgust or Trust type effects.
  • IMBUE Acceptance - RESISTS any Curiosity, Awe or Surprise type effects.

The affected targets can call RESIST on any of the associated effect types, so being able to resist Anger would also apply to Annoyance and Rage type effects, or any very similar emotions.

By creating boundaries around the psyche of their targets, the Psion can create a fragment of their Emotion Aura that replenishes and reinforces itself independent of the Felani’s innate psionic field. This creates a long-lasting and powerful bulwark against sources of conflicting emotional energy, armouring their recipient in a bubble of positive emotion.

Rank 6 - Aura Dynamics Summit

Obtaining rank 6 in Aura Dynamics grants 1 additional Psi Point.

Aura Echoing

  • Requires Aura Development Rank 3

By manipulating the psionic topography of their surroundings to create a boundary, a Felani Psion opens up another great source of potential - that of containing, reflecting and amplifying their own psionic field. The ability to form a Bounded Aura has been described by Felani Psionic scientists as projecting a fourth dimensional landscape into this reality - a series of hills and valleys that direct and contain the fountain of psionic energy that flows out from every Felani. This Path deals with the source of the Felani’s innate psionic field - directing and shaping it, and allowing them to open their mind to other sources of psionic energy.

Rank 1 - Consuming Aura

Cost: None
Effect: Allows the Psion to slowly regain 1 Psi Point every 30 minutes while in a Psionic Aura contained within their Bounded area, although the Psionic Aura cannot be used by any other characters during this time.

By defining their Bounded Aura perimeter around a Psionic Aura source, such as a Nexus Tree, the Psion can slowly recover spent Psi Points at a rate of 1 spent point per 30 minutes. While the Psion is using this ability, the Psionic Aura cannot be used for any other powers or abilities that require one to be present.

By broadening the psionic topography of their Boundary perimeter and granting their own internally reflecting field a certain “stickiness”, a Felani psion can contain other strong sources of psionic energy within its area. By opening their own mind to that energy, the psion can slowly recover their reserves of mental strength. However, the alterations that this power makes to their own innate psionic field creates a form of mental “static” around the psionic aura that makes its use by other psions almost impossible. While it does not directly hamper other psionic minds, this power interferes with others attempting to open their minds to use the psionic aura for their own abilities.

Rank 2 - Perceptive Aura

Cost: 2 Psi Points
Effect: Grants a quick impression of the strength and attitude of local forces on an away mission.

By spending 2 Psi Points and 30 seconds of roleplayed action shortly after entering a new area on a mission, the Psion can get a rough impression of the forces in the local area, and their general attitude and emotional state. The Psion should inform the encounter Referee before or shortly after timing in that they intend to use this power. This power does not work in the main in-character area at Main OSLRP Events, as the psionic impressions it conveys are too chaotic to interpret, but it may work at Player Events.

Having learned to open themselves up to powerful psionic energies, the psion now develops the ability to absorb and interpret more subtle emissions, such as the residual emotional residue of sophonts in the area. Large numbers of people overwhelm these senses, making this power most useful during away missions.

Rank 3 - Amplified Aura

Cost: 0-1 Psi Points
Effect: Doubles the Body Hits restored by the Psion’s Latent Psionic Healing ability.

The psion’s healing aura is supercharged, doubling the number of Body Hits recovered by characters treated by the Psion. This allows 2 Body Hits to be restored every 10 minutes without spending any Psi Points, and if the Bolster Aura power is used, then the number of hits recovered increases to 4 every 10 minutes.

Now able to finely manipulate the psionic topography that can contain and reflect their innate psionic field, the Psion can create fourth-dimensional structures that create localised eddies around those they treat. These swirling eddies direct and reinforce the psions innate aura, vastly improving its healing effect.

Rank 4 - Invigorating Aura

Cost: 6 Psi Points
Effect: Grants 2 Psi Points to each treated character within the Bounded area. Cooperative Power. Psionic Ritual.

By spending 6 Psi Points and 10 minutes of roleplayed ritual action, the psions restore 2 spent Psi Points to each character who is being treated within their Bounded area, which cannot include themselves.

Reversing the alterations of the Consuming Aura, the psion can, either alone or with other Felani Psions with this power, supercharge their innate psionic field and tune it to be absorbed by other receptive minds. The outpouring energy is contained within the Bounded area, and its rippling waves of energy can be slowly absorbed by other psionic beings as long as they remain within the boundary perimeter.

Rank 5 - Echoing Aura

Cost: 2 Psi Points
Effect: Grants a shared vision to all treated characters within the Bounded area.

By spending 2 Psi Points and 10 minutes of roleplayed action creating complex structures within their Bounded area, the Psion can flood the minds of those they are treating with hallucinatory visions. These visions are extremely vague, and cannot be directed towards a specific subject as the Elysian Rite of Harmony. Whether the visions relate to the past, future, external events or the character’s or psion’s own psyche is impossible to determine independent of perceiving and interpreting the vision itself.

A master of their own innate psionic field, the Psion can define multiple eddies, channels and complex topography within their Bounded area to cause the rippling energy contained within to amplify to a frenzied crescendo. Psionic studies of this power in use have theorised that the energy ripples increase in amplitude, becoming metaphysical tsunamis contained within the “bottle” of the Boundary perimeter. At a certain inflection point, the energy chaotically spasms for a few moments, and then drains itself into the minds of the treated individuals, who invariably lose consciousness and experience a vivid shared hallucination or vision. These visions vary wildly - some are interpreted as visions of other times, other places, metaphorical explorations of conceptual constructs, journeys inside the mind of one of the participants, or terrifying nightmares. Occasionally a visionary will undergo a profound alteration of their psyche, suffer lasting mental trauma or be cured of preexisting trauma, or even display enhanced abilities, any of which can linger for some time after the experience. Commonality scientists have several possible theories for the nature of the visions, very few of which have had any consistent testing applied. What is known is that during the period of energy spasms there is a perceptible quaking of the local resonance field, which may be a result of the furious contained energy entangling briefly with it, or even breaching into different dimensions.

Rank 6 - Aura Echoing Summit

Obtaining rank 6 in Aura Echoing grants 1 additional Psi Point.

felani_psionic_paths.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/13 02:58 by conan