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Coronites are considered a strange artefact of the Orion Nebula Sector. They spend most of their existence as diffuse clouds of gas, held together by electromagnetic interactions that form a sort of distributed consciousness. It is thought that some exotic set of conditions in the Orion Nebula allows them to form from the clouds of dust and ions. They then spend several thousand years close to certain large stars, growing in volume and feeding from solar winds. After they have reached sufficient size to survive away from energy sources, they drift outward into the galaxy in search of new experiences.

Coronites in their most commonly recognized forms are created when a starship with a ramscoop-enabled warp drive passes directly through one of these proto-Coronite clouds, sucking them up and concentrating them into much denser forms in the heart of their drive chambers. As the Coronite takes form, it drains the drive plasma below sustainable levels and usually causes an engine failure. Engineers that enter the chambers to investigate are confronted with an amorphous cloud that quickly takes humanoid form.

The first appearance of Coronites in the drives of early Ascendancy explorers were considered to be hostile alien entities with malicious intent, but they were eventually recognized to be a strange natural phenomena of the Orion Nebula. After they were recognized as a discrete and repeated phenomenon in 2960 PT, various Ascendancy Houses secured some of the very rare specimens to experiment on and harness their energy generation abilities. In the first century after their discovery, numerous Coronites were drained dry or imprisoned in power plants or batteries by Terran scientists. They were eventually regarded as fairly inefficient compared to large-scale fusion facilities, and began to be regarded more as a curio than a threat or resource. Despite increased traffic and exploration into the Orion Nebula, Coronites remain quite rare, and this scarcity has caused them to be regarded as status symbols of a sort. Coronite individuals are frequently seconded or gifted to high-status independent groups controlled Shi or Junzi, particularly ones that operate on the fringes of Ascendancy space. Coronite power generation abilities and indifference to the vacuum of space make them useful assets for exploration teams and military groups that operate far from the infrastructure of the Ascendancy and MegaCorps, and they are commonly found as scientists and engineers out on the fringes.

During the latter part of the First Tulaki Armistice, when Dominion priests first encountered Ascendancy Coronites and learned of their origin, there was a period of intense interest from the Ecclesiocracy in Coronites. Factions within the priesthood believed the Coronite condensates to be manifestations of the more powerful Immortal Spirits, as information about them was sparse. The Dominion considered Terran’s control over Coronites to profane their faith and the resulting tensions were one of many factors that escalated into the Second Ascendancy-Dominion War.


Having existed as diffuse clouds of particles for much of their existence, Coronites have a very odd perspective compared to most sophonts. While Coronites may have existed for millions of years prior to taking physical form, their diffuse nature means that they do not possess any useful coherent memories from this time - they existed in a universe of energy gradients, gravitic waves and solar winds, and paid little attention to the world of matter even when they could perceive it. Coronites who have been condensed into physical forms are usually naturally very curious - these tend to be the ones who have left the bounds of their feeder stars and gone exploring, and this tendency is retained in condensed individuals. They are effectively immortal, which gives them a very strange concept of time. Time while diffuse feels shorter for some, while time spent condensed may stretch out for an age. As a result, some Coronites have very short attention spans, and flit from task to task as it holds their interest, becoming bored easily, while others retain the perspective of their long existences and seem to have endless reserves of patience and focus.

Coronites do not reproduce in their condensed forms, and it is poorly understood how new Coronites come into being. Although they do not have genders, individual Coronites may choose to identify as a certain gender within solid society, or may not. Coronites who have spent a long time in condensed form may experience a desire to return to their diffuse form, and arrange to be released from their physical forms while in space, and return to slowly travelling the cosmos. The great fear of many Coronites is to be punctured in an atmosphere, particularly during windy conditions where they may not be able to maintain enough gaseous density to continue their existence.


The light that Coronites emit can be difficult to notice in the daylight.

Coronites are essentially humanoid-shaped clouds of energetic plasma and charged particles. They maintain their shape with the help of technology - either a containment suit, energy fields or some combination of both. The energy fields that make up their external surface are normally transparent, showing the swirling pinpoints of light and coloured gas beneath. Coronites tend to emit at least a small amount of light at all times, a by-product of their energy-based metabolism. This can be covered up to an extent, but not fully - which can be an issue for Coronites attempting to be stealthy or hide. Coronites who have become accustomed to a condensed existence often request or commission containment vessels tailored to their own personal sense of style, rather than whatever could be cobbled together to first contain their form by the engineers who discovered them. Some Coronites prefer to show off their luminous and gaseous forms, encasing themselves mostly in transparent fields that allow their nebulous innards to be seen. Others, particularly those working in hazardous or military roles, tend more towards armour and physical suits, to provide more protection and reduce the likelihood of containment failure.

The particle and energy makeup of each Coronite is unique, so the technology that keeps them contained must be customised to the individual. Usually the containment vessel is equipped with multiple redundancies and failsafes, and is powered by the Coronite's own energy. The containment envelopes are often quite fragile, as more robust envelopes are considered uncomfortable by their occupants - Coronites emit so much energy that containing it too much can cause “illness”. As such, damage to a Coronite's envelope is a real threat, as compromised containment can result in the Coronite's constituent gases leaking out into the environment in a matter of minutes. Many Coronites tend to wear armour to reduce the risk of this happening, or make friends with skilled Engineers who can quickly repair any leaks before a catastrophic loss of volume. Coronite armour or containment vessels often contain elaborate gauntlets covered in conductive electrodes, as a way of channelling their internal energies to power devices they are in contact with.

Game Rules

  • Species Keywords: Energy Being, Gaseous
  • Default Faction: Ascendancy

Species Trappings

  • “Skin” appears to be a field of colourful gases and pinpoints of light. This can be physrepped by makeup on all exposed skin, or using a starfield-pattern or similar body stocking.
  • All Coronites have some element of technology that sustains their external field and holds their bodies together. This can take the form of a small generator, patches of solid armour or some other device. These devices are not considered in-game items like energy fields or science devices, but are part of the Coronite character’s form. They are also individually tailored to the specific Coronite character, so do not need to be consistent between characters.
  • All Coronites emit light from within - this light can be channeled so that it is most prominent in certain areas of their form (LEDs, EL-wire, etc.). Coronite characters must emit enough light so that they are visible in the dark from at least a reasonable distance. Coronite characters may cover this light with clothing, armour etc., but their costume must be emitting light in at least some way - completely covering their emitted light feels uncomfortable for Coronite characters (a feeling similar to overheating or a fever).


  • 2 Global Body Hits, 300 second Death Count.
    • Gaining +1 Locational Hit equivalent to +1 Global Hit.
    • To use First Aid or Physician on a Coronite you must have Etheric Science, or be a Coronite.
    • The Engineer skill can be used to reset, pause or stop Coronite Death Counts.
  • Gaseous Physiology
    • Does not become Unconscious at 0 Hits, immediately becomes Walking Wounded instead.
    • Immediately starts their Death Count on reaching 0 Global Hits.
    • Immune to most Disease Conditions.
    • Takes altered effect from most Radiation Conditions.
    • Medicaments require Yurian Lattice Plasma to work.
  • Can use item abilities at -1 Charge Cost.
    • This ability can be granted to others by maintaining contact.

The external layer of a Coronite that contains their gaseous forms is quite fragile and vulnerable, and they are prone to leakage if it is punctured, although they can remain viable despite the loss of a considerable amount of their energy mass. Coronite characters have 2 Global Body Hits and a 300 second Death Count. If they acquire additional LHV, these are not converted to a greater number of Global Hits, so +1 LH is equivalent to +1 Global Hit (unlike other Global Hit species such as Yelk). Patching their external membrane requires specialist knowledge - characters cannot use the Physician or First Aid skills on Coronites unless they also possess at least 1 rank of Etheric Science (or are themselves Coronites). However, characters with the Engineer skill can reset, pause or stop a Death Count on Coronite characters as if they had the First Aid and Physician skills at an equal rank to their Engineer skill (they cannot facilitate healing or perform Surgery on them).

The gaseous physiology of the Coronites makes it very difficult to render them unconscious, but quite prone to leakage. When Coronite characters lose all their Global Body Hits, they do not become Unconscious or Badly Injured - they immediately become Walking Wounded instead. However, when Coronite characters are reduced to 0 Global Body Hits they immediately begin their Death Count. Coronites naturally generate energy within their swirling ionic bodies, and can use this energy to power devices that they are using. When Coronite characters use any items that consume Charges to power their abilities, those abilities cost 1 Charge less to use (so abilities that only cost 1 Charge are free). Alternatively, they may grant this ability to another character by holding or remaining in close contact with and charging them with ionic energy (a process which most recipients consider uncomfortable, as they are charged with static electricity). A Coronite character cannot perform any other actions while maintaining this ability.

As energy beings, Coronite physiology is completely different from most sophont species, which makes them immune to most illnesses but also renders them unaffected by most biological substances as well. Coronite characters are immune to all Disease Conditions that do not specifically affect Energy species. They also take modified effects from most Radiation Conditions - radiation may empower a Coronite, or cause short-term roleplay effects at the discretion of the Referee. Coronites are also immune to vacuum and can exist unharmed in space. They are also immune to all Medicaments unless they have been doped with the Yurian Lattice Plasma Exotic Particles – this plasma vaporises active components of most Medicaments and incorporates them within the plasma lattice, allowing them to affect Coronite internal processes in similar ways to how they would affect biological characters. A Medicament with Yurian Lattice Plasma applied to it will have its normal effects on a Coronite character. The only exception to this is if a Condition or similar has a cure that requires the administering of Medicaments doped with another specific Exotic Substance, in this case (because a Medicament can only be doped with a single Exotic Substance), the normal cure for the Condition applies.

species/coronite.1643565684.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/30 18:01 by conan