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Species Skills

Some skills and abilities are limited to certain species, either as a result of biology, culture or upbringing. Only members of that specific species can purchase these skills.

Ascendancy Terrans

Ascendancy Terrans have access to highly specialised mental training that focuses their will and allows them to perform astonishing feats of resilience and fortitude. Ascendancy Terrans may purchase the Discipline Skill with their character points, and the skills that use it as a prerequisite.

Skill Cost Ability
Discipline 2 Grants 2 Will Points, and the ability to spend them to resist IMBUE calls
Extra Will Point 1+ Grants +1 Will Point per rank
Relentless 1 Allows will points to be spent to act for brief periods while badly wounded
Resolve 1 Allows Will Points to be spent to recover quicker from injury
Iron Mind 1 Allows Will Points to be spent to resist psionic powers or KNOCKOUT calls
Stalwart 1 Allows Will Points to be spent to act normally while Walking Wounded

N-DAX Mutation Skills

N-DAX, or Non-Differentiated Avimorph Xenoforms, are prone to genetic shifts which cause them to manifest powerful physical characteristics. These Mutation Skills can be acquired to grant an N-DAX character enhancements to their basic species abilities, but require them to adopt additional Species Trappings as they increase in rank.

Skill Cost Ability
Mutate Claws 2 per rank Allows the N-DAX to manifest horrible, vicious claws and do additional effects with them
Mutate Musculature 2 per rank Improves the N-DAX's ability to resist effects while in motion
Mutate Rapid Recovery 2 per rank Allows the N-DAX to use their regenerative abilities to resist or cure Conditions

Notumi Corpori

Notumi Corpori control symbiotic nanite swarms linked to their notum-infused brains. They link to those swarms using a specialised device known as a Nanodeck, which can perform a wide array of functions, called Programs. A Program is more than simple lines of computer code - it is an intimate dance between the users thoughts, the Nanodeck's software, and the configurations of their nanite swarm. All Corpori start with knowledge of 2 Basic Programs and 1 Advanced Program, and can buy additional Programs with the following skill. To see the full list of commonly available Programs, see the Nanodeck page.

Skill Cost Ability
Extra Program 1 per rank Grants 1 additional Nanodeck Program, which can be either an Advanced or a Basic Program.


Tulaki are universally brought up within the faith of the Dominion, the Path of Tulak. Their religion teaches that individuals can obtain immortality as spirits upon their death by striving for ultimate accomplishment within their chosen field, usually under the patronage of a specific Immortal Spirit. Those who dedicate themselves to this task are called Heroes, and are often afforded great respect and status in Dominion society. Some adherents, however, forsake the quest for immortality and choose instead to guide others to greatness - these are the Priests of the Path. The Ecclesiocracy of the Dominion teaches the arts of stirring rhetoric, and the use of strange devices and mysterious chemicals that are thought to be able to interact directly with the spirits. Priests use their abilities to bridge the worlds of the spirit and the material. The skills that allow characters to become Priests and Heroes are called Devotions. Devotions are ranked skills, and cost 2 character points per rank (which does not increase with multiple purchased ranks).

Skill Cost Ability
Heroic Devotion 2 per rank Allows a character to gain the favour and powers of their chosen Immortal Spirit
Priestly Devotion 2 per rank Grants the use of 1 Ceremony per rank
species_skills.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/24 16:31 by conan