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Rules Changes

This page consolidates any changes to the Rules between events.

After Event 5

  • Codified Conditions into a single framework that also makes use of Keywords.
  • Codified Species into a single framework that also makes use of Keywords.
  • Nerfed Quark Plasma Exotic Particles so that they last less long, and also Break the device they are used on.
  • Extended the Card Draw System to allow it to be used in Science and Engineering operations.
  • Consolidated Detectors, Analysers and Extractors into a single device - Scanners, which can be used for all 3 purposes, integrating the Card Draw System.
  • The REND and THROUGH Calls have been made more effective, so that both calls ignore any Field Hits that the target has.

After Event 2 - Artefact

  • The Reinforcement Pattern Armour Mod has been given a cooldown of 30 seconds. This was mostly to prevent characters with Charge Cost reduction having effectively infinite Armour Hits.
  • The “Psionic Ritual” tag has been added to certain Elsyian, Kelki and Lithos psionic powers. These are typically powers that required a certain period of roleplayed action to perform, and usually required the presence of a Referee. For…..reasons.
  • The Weave Solidifier Armour Mod has been altered to allow it to be added multiple times to a single suit of armour, increasing the activation duration by 15 seconds each time at no additional Charge Cost.
  • The Thrown Weapons Training skill has been added for people who want to use thrown weapons.

After Event 1 - Initialize

  • The Secondary Ability of the Helm Console skill has been reduced from +5 speed to +3 speed.
  • The Surgery ability of the Physician skill has been overhauled and clarified. A full description of the new system can be found on the dedicated Surgery page.
  • The Deflection Generator Armour Mod has been edited so that it requires a 30 second cooldown after use. This makes its interaction with Quark Plasma only half as ludicrous.
rules_changes.1646249912.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/03/02 19:38 by conan