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Rules Changes

This page consolidates any changes to the Rules between events.

After Event 9

  • In downtime, devices must be in the inventory of the Engineer doing work on them. This was mostly previously the case, but it is now explictly described as such.

After Event 8

  • Raegar characters now gain 1 Will Point for each stage of the Black Frost affecting them, instead of every two stages.
  • Clarified that if a held weapon is struck by an arrow, bolt or dart, then the holding limb is considered to have been hit (Combat Safety Rules). Also don't parry projectiles because it's super dangerous.
  • Added the ROOT call.
  • Changed some effects of Vikaas Aquerna Psionic Powers to fit into the Card Draw System better.
  • Added the ability to quickly repair Broken devices with a Psi Crystal Mod to the Rank 2 Psionic Resonance power.
  • Cost reduction on some Resonant Blade powers.

After Event 5

  • Codified Conditions into a single framework that also makes use of Keywords.
  • Codified Species into a single framework that also makes use of Keywords.
  • Nerfed Quark Plasma Exotic Particles so that they last less long, and also Break the device they are used on.
  • Added the Broken status to devices in some circumstances.
  • Extended the Card Draw System to allow it to be used in Science and Engineering operations.
  • Consolidated Detectors, Analysers and Extractors into a single device - Scanners, which can be used for all 3 purposes, integrating the Card Draw System.
    • Changes to Mods used on the new Scanners.
  • The REND and THROUGH Calls have been made more effective, so that both calls ignore any Field Hits that the target has.
  • Shields with hard formers or bodies can now be used when appropriately modified for safety.
  • Minor changes and clarifications to the Elysian Psionic Powers Psionic Surgery and Rite of Recovery.

After Event 2 - Artefact

  • The Reinforcement Pattern Armour Mod has been given a cooldown of 30 seconds. This was mostly to prevent characters with Charge Cost reduction having effectively infinite Armour Hits.
  • The “Psionic Ritual” tag has been added to certain Elsyian, Kelki and Lithos psionic powers. These are typically powers that required a certain period of roleplayed action to perform, and usually required the presence of a Referee. For…..reasons.
  • The Weave Solidifier Armour Mod has been altered to allow it to be added multiple times to a single suit of armour, increasing the activation duration by 15 seconds each time at no additional Charge Cost.
  • The Thrown Weapons Training skill has been added for people who want to use thrown weapons.

After Event 1 - Initialize

  • The Secondary Ability of the Helm Console skill has been reduced from +5 speed to +3 speed.
  • The Surgery ability of the Physician skill has been overhauled and clarified. A full description of the new system can be found on the dedicated Surgery page.
  • The Deflection Generator Armour Mod has been edited so that it requires a 30 second cooldown after use. This makes its interaction with Quark Plasma only half as ludicrous.
rules_changes.1718147614.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/12 00:13 by conan