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Reputation Skills

Reputation is a powerful attribute that reflects your status and influence with a Faction or MegaCorp, and in some cases can give access to secret abilities, powers and contacts.

Reputation is both a skill and a variable that can go up or down based on your actions at events. The Reputation skills ranks you purchase with character points act as your character's baseline Reputation level. However, you can add or remove effective ranks of Reputation with your IC behaviour and actions at events. Your interactions with the various NPC groups, doing missions or helping out the respective MegaCorps or Factions may cause you to gain or lose reputation with them. No amount of Faction Status with the Ascendancy will help you if you try and attack the the head of a Noble House! Helping out and doing favours for your Faction or the MegaCorps will grant you Earned Rep - “free” ranks of the respective Reputation skill that will slowly revert to the baseline amount if you stop being involved with that group.

Reputation Skills Cost Advantages
Armaments Standing 2a Advanced Armaments charges you less for weapon purchases.
Spacer Renown 2a Spacer Collective charges you less for ship hire and forfeiture.
Pylon Membership 2a Galactic Energy Supplies grants you favourable rates on the use of their research facilities.
Clearance Certified 2a Clearance Organisation takes less of a cut from missions that you sign up for.
CPS Rep 2a The Corporeal Perfection Syndicate grants you discounts on advanced cybernetic implants.
Lazarus Esteem 2a Lazarus Corporation grants you discounts on ReLife Contracts and allows you to order Medicament shipments.
Ascendancy Status 3ab Improved reputation with the Ascendancy. Allows information requests.
Commonality Status 3ab Improved reputation with the Commonality. Allows information requests.
Dominion Status 3ab Improved reputation with the Dominion. Allows information requests.
Free Union Status 3ab Improved reputation with the Free Union. Allows information requests.

a - Can be bought multiple times. Cost does not increase each time.
b - Can only be purchased by members of the relevant Faction. Costs only 2 points per rank for the Faction's Core Species.

The GES Board welcomed its newest member, Missy McCoy, in 3823PT.

MegaCorp Reputations

Any character can purchase MegaCorp Reputations for 2 character points per Rank.

Armaments Standing

You are a well-known and trusted weapons contractor for Advanced Armaments. While in good standing, you may be granted access to restricted weapons and devices, as well as experimental Mods and other technology. You also get excellent wholesale rates on standard equipment. Advanced Armaments may also occasionally offer you jobs that they need handled discreetly.

Spacer Renown

You are well-known and trusted by the Spacer Collective, having done work for them and proven yourself. The Collective is kind to its friends, and will offer you discounts on ship hire and forfeiture costs at events. They may also have some discreet missions that are not offered publicly.

Pylon Membership

You have been noticed by and possibly inducted into one Galactic Energy Supplies Pylons - secretive groups of financiers, technicians and scientists. You have access to some of their advanced research facilities. They may also have some discreet missions that are not offered publicly.

Clearance Certified

You have undergone Clearance Organisation training and are a member of their extended network of contractors. The specialist expertise of your crew is recorded, and you may be offered specific missions by more selective clients. You gain access to their distributed information network to make special requests, and you are also charged less of a fee by Clearance when you complete a mission.


You are a known individual to the Corporeal Perfection Syndicate, having proven yourself a cybernetics enthusiast or devoted augmenter. You are offered a discount on cybernetic implants. You may also be able to access restricted or experimental augments, or offered some discreet missions to further demonstrate your devotion.

Lazarus Esteem

You are well-known to Lazarus Corporation, having distinguished yourself as a biotech or pharmaceutical enthusiast. You have a discount on ReLife contracts, special access to Medicament supplies, and those with considerable esteem may be granted access to some of Lazarus' secretive mysteries. Lazarus may have some special projects or items they require your assistance with.

Ascendancy field personnel being interviewed by a naval officer.

Faction Status

Members of each Faction's Core Species may purchase ranks of their own Faction's Status for 2 points per Rank, while members of other species may purchase it for 3 points per Rank. In order to purchase Ranks of a Faction Status, you must currently be a member of that Faction.

Ascendancy Status

High-reputation characters will be drawn into the Great Game played by the Houses for power and position, which may grant additional missions, rewards, plot opportunities and dangers. For the right person, there may even be offers to be adopted by one of the Noble Houses and profit from their extensive holdings - as long as your House remains powerful. At increasing ranks of Status, you can make use of the Faction's distributed intelligence network to seek answers to specific questions. As the Ascendancy's Core Species, this skill only costs 2 points per rank for Ascendancy Terrans.

Commonality Status

Enhanced status will draw the attention of the Judges and higher Confluences of the Psion Clades - who may involve them in their secret plans and schemes. Like orders from Ascended Masters, their motivations will be strange and fickle, but could potentially grant powerful rewards and hidden knowledge. At increasing ranks of Status, you can make use of the Faction's distributed intelligence network to seek answers to specific questions. As the Commonality's Core Species, this skill only costs 2 points per rank for Elysians.

Dominion Status

High-status characters will begin to draw notice from Heroes & Priests alike. The Ecclesiocracy takes notice of those with the potential for greatness, and guides them towards opportunities to excel further. There may be opportunities to join a Mystery Cult of one of the Immortal Spirits for those who are seen to have earned a place among them, revealing hidden secrets and the mysteries of the hidden worlds. At increasing ranks of Status, you can make use of the Faction's distributed intelligence network to seek answers to specific questions. As the Dominion's Core Species, this skill only costs 2 points per rank for all Tulaki.

Free Union Status

Higher Status will grant opportunities to join one of the various Corps that organise within the Free Union. These groups often arrange secret activities to keep the Sovereign Worlds safe, and have roles for spies, elite military missions, diplomats and many other specialists. At increasing ranks of Status, you can make use of the Faction's distributed intelligence network to seek answers to specific questions. As the Free Union's Core Species, this skill only costs 2 points per rank for Free Union Terrans.

reputation_skills.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/01 23:22 by conan